sobota, sierpnia 07, 2004

Getting started with COM in Python

you probably didn't find anything about COM on, because
OpenOffice has it's own component models concept, called UNO. The UNO has an
Automation Bridge that provides the use of WSH, VBScript etc.

OpenOffice also comes along with its own small Python core, small because it
doesn't support a lot of modules and you cannot just install extension
modules, because every module must be known to UNO.

Though you can easily write add-ons with the OOo Python core which would
then be available to others, even if they wouldn't have Python (they would
at least have Python in their OpenOffice).

So you have two options what you could do now:

1. get to know another component model (the one of OOo called UNO, which
is pretty new, so don't expect it to be as good as COM) and write python
code to make use of it:

2. or delve into COM by using Python code for doing something in MS Word
or Excel."

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