sobota, stycznia 20, 2007
Jak uruchomić kod przesłany z serwera w czasie wymiany Ajax
To wszystko bazuje na pomyśle JAH (JavaScript Ascynchronous HTML)
Receive AHAH Request
function ahahDone(target) {
// only if req is "loaded"
if (req.readyState == 4) {
// only if "OK"
if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 304) {
results = req.responseText;
document.getElementById(target).innerHTML = results;
} else {
document.getElementById(target).innerHTML="ahah error:n" +
Other than error checking, the only real work done is:
document.getElementById(target).innerHTML = results;
Everything else (e.g., CSS-styling) is merely inherited from the parent webpage.
Executing Javascript
Since the browser won't execute <script> tags when changing innerHTML, you may want to apply the following function call on document.getElementById(target):
var bSaf = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1);
var bOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1);
var bMoz = (navigator.appName == 'Netscape');
function execJS(node) {
var st = node.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT');
var strExec;
for(var i=0;i<st.length; i++) {
if (bSaf) {
strExec = st[i].innerHTML;
else if (bOpera) {
strExec = st[i].text;
else if (bMoz) {
strExec = st[i].textContent;
else {
strExec = st[i].text;
try {
} catch(e) {
JavaScript Notes:
IE always returns tags in UPPER CASE, so you must search for SCRIPT and not script. Keep your SCRIPT tags in upper case for Firefox compatibility.
Do not use // comments, use /* */ instead. The eval executes all your javascript as though it was on one line, so you must end each statement with a semicolon (;).
Any functions declared in your JavaScript will go out of scope once the eval statement completes. It is possible to keep them in scope by attaching them as a method to a function that was defined at the document level.
- - zasoby Mozilli
- Ajax Articles
- Co daje MS w zakresie AJAX? -wiele ciekawych tutoriali, slajdów, technik itd.
- AJAX frameworks -
- PHP Toolkits -
- -świetny klient pocztowy w PHP
- Tabele edytowalne -iRow (beta), - EditGrid - działa.
- Ważne metody/kolekcje wykorzystywane w AJAX:
element.ChildNodes(n) element.FirstChild element.nodeValue() element.attributes() element.getAttribue("attributeName") document.elementsByTagName("tagName") element.nodeName() - - gify
- - google gadgets Ajax
- - odwołanie do API
Rzeczy o krórych należy pamietać przy AJAX. -
- request.setRequestHeader('X-Referer', document.location);
- var params = 'moneySymbol=' + encodeURIComponent('€');
Ajax to także efekty -
Ajax i bezpieczeństwo - (XmlHttpRequest (XHR))
Ajax i wymiana danych -
Ajax i inne -
Ajax i fundamentalne frameworki -
- Żeby coś zrobić trwałego należy nie tylko zapoznać się z tematem, ale zgłębić dokładnie wszystkie jego niuanse a dopiero wtedy proponowane przez Ciebie rozwiązanie ma szanse być doskonałym. W zrobirniu dobrego produktu liczy się nie tylko pomysł (to doceni chyba tylko informatyk) ale jego dopracowanie do każdego szczegółu, dopiero wtedy znajdzie dobrą ocenę u klienta końcowego. A takie dopieszczenie wymaga niestety czasu.
- Ważne jest nie tylko mieć dobry produkt, ale przemyśleć i zrealizować wszystkie szczegóły dotyczące:
- bezpieczeństwa i,
- instalacji u klienta końcowego (łatwości instalacji i uaktualnień)
- W zawodach na najlepszy edytor tabel wyłoniłem następujace rozwiazania:
- scbr
- active widgets
- jack s
- własne, ale tu wymaga rozpracowanie dwóch elementów:
- reakcja na klik na komórce
- in-place edycja (mam przykład example1-9.html)
- 12 bazowych schematów css -
- ! Ciekawe okienka - - mogą też mieć własne menu
- ! Ciekawe kodowanie -
- ! Ciekawa myszka -
- ! Ciekawa biblioteka -
- Można posłużyć się tzw. widgetami. Najbardziej rozbudowane mają Yahoo (wymaga instalacji własnego silnika), Opera. Trochę mniej oferują MS i Google (ale za to nie trzeba nic dodatkowego instalować)
- Drążyć temat 'curl' pobierania stron z Internetu. Curl czy WinHTTP?
- Biblie -
- founder Rich Skrenta recently took a similar approach to argue that Google, like PayPal, has already won the game and represents to most users the face of the Internet. Skrenta (in this week's links) argues that Google's dominance of search and advertising is so profound that most competitors -- especially Yahoo -- would probably be better off NOT even attempting to compete and simply let Google handle search and advertising while Yahoo provides content. He's probably correct. Skrenta argues that even if services come along that are superior to Google's, in order to become dominant they'll have to overcome Google's brand recognition with users, which is almost impossible to do. So just being better than Google isn't enough. - Yahoo dostarcza zawartość, Google dostarcza wyniki wyszukiwań - tego faktu nie da się zmienić jak zauważył słusznie -
- Wg. autora poprzedniego zapisu - GG kupuje wielkie ośrodki do przetwarzania danych (przeważnie obok elektrowni, nawet atomowych co nie jest sensowne bo ich czas "życie" to srednio 10-15 lat), wykupuje sieci światłowodowe u dostawców (sprytne, nie kupuje firm aby się nie narazić na oskarżenie o monoplizację rynku). 50% ruchu w Interneci to filmy poprzez BitTorrent i dokonuje tego 5% internautów.
- Ciekawe operacje na zdarzeniach Yahoo UI Tools, czy Protorype jest prostsze? Uzupełnienie do tego - - uwaga! tutaj są blogroll-e do sławnych osobistości Internetowych (Bill Scott, Williams...)
- Browser detection - najlepiej poprzez 'user-agent' a nie np przez "This is just one example of feature detection falling on its face. Another was the getElementsByTagName("*") debacle. Internet Explorer prior to 6.0 supported getElementsByTagName(), but not when passing in an asterisk to get all elements. Yet another is the table-specific DOM methods that were implemented as stubs in Internet Explorer 5 for the Mac (they existed, they just didn't do anything). Further, both Firefox and Opera implemented document.all so that web sites designed for Internet Explorer wouldn't break; so much for that feature detection classic." Za
- - Dustin Diaz - propagator Prototype - świetne.
czwartek, stycznia 18, 2007
Przeszukałem MSDN Library 'html entities'. Co dostałem?
This table lists the named entities (NE) with their equivalent numeric character references (NCR) that are used to escape markup characters and denote spaces and dashes. Other characters in this section apply to internationalization issues, such as the disambiguation of bidirectional (BIDI) text, and special symbols.
Using NE | NE | NCR | Description |
C0 Controls and Basic Latin | |||
" | " | " | quotation mark, =apl quote, U0022 ISOnum |
& | & | & | ampersand, U0026 ISOnum |
< | < | < | less-than sign, U003C ISOnum |
> | > | > | greater-than sign, U003E ISOnum |
Latin Extended-A | |||
Œ | Œ | Œ | Latin capital ligature oe, U0152 ISOlat2 |
œ | œ | œ | Latin small ligature oe, U0153 ISOlat2 |
Š | Š | Š | Latin capital letter s with caron, U0160 ISOlat2 |
š | š | š | Latin small letter s with caron, U0161 ISOlat2 |
Ÿ | Ÿ | Ÿ | Latin capital letter y with diaeresis, U0178 ISOlat2 |
Spacing Modifier Letters | |||
ˆ | ˆ | ˆ | modifier letter circumflex accent, U02C6 ISOpub |
˜ | ˜ | ˜ | small tilde, U02DC ISOdia |
General Punctuation | |||
[ ] |   |   | en space, U2002 ISOpub |
[ ] |   |   | em space, U2003 ISOpub |
[?] |   |   | thin space, U2009 ISOpub |
? | ‌ | ‌ | zero width non-joiner, U200C NEW RFC 2070 |
? | ‍ | ‍ | zero width joiner, U200D NEW RFC 2070 |
? | ‎ | ‎ | left-to-right mark, U200E NEW RFC 2070 |
? | ‏ | ‏ | right-to-left mark, U200F NEW RFC 2070 |
– | – | – | en dash, U2013 ISOpub |
— | — | — | em dash, U2014 ISOpub |
‘ | ‘ | ‘ | left single quotation mark, U2018 ISOnum |
’ | ’ | ’ | right single quotation mark, U2019 ISOnum |
‚ | ‚ | ‚ | single low-9 quotation mark, U201A NEW |
“ | “ | “ | left double quotation mark, U201C ISOnum |
” | ” | ” | right double quotation mark, U201D ISOnum |
„ | „ | „ | double low-9 quotation mark, U201E NEW |
† | † | † | dagger, U2020 ISOpub |
‡ | ‡ | ‡ | double dagger, U2021 ISOpub |
‰ | ‰ | ‰ | per mille sign, U2030 ISOtech |
‹ | ‹ | ‹ | single left-pointing angle quotation mark, U2039 ISO proposed |
› | › | › | single right-pointing angle quotation mark, U203A ISO proposed |
€ | € | € | euro sign, U+20AC NEW |
Related Topics
Coś jeszcze
Microsoft Internet Explorer uses the character set specified for a document to determine how to translate the bytes in the document into characters on the screen or on paper. By default, Internet Explorer uses the character set specified in the HTTP content type returned by the server to determine this translation. If this parameter is not given, Internet Explorer uses the character set specified by the meta element in the document. It uses the user's preferences if no meta element is specified.
You can use the meta element to explicitly set the character set for a document. In this case, set the HTTP-EQUIV attribute to Content-Type and specify a character set identifier in the CONTENT attribute. For example, the following meta element identifies windows-1251 as the character set for the document.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"
CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=windows-1251">
To apply a character set to an entire document, you must insert the meta element before the body element. For clarity, it should appear as the first element after head, so that all browsers can translate the meta element before the document is parsed. The meta element applies to the document containing it. This means, for example, that a compound document (a document consisting of two or more documents in a set of frames) can use different character sets in different frames.
The following table contains information about the character sets supported by Internet Explorer 5, and it includes the following information.
- Charset Friendly Name. Name used to refer to the character set.
- Preferred Charset Label. Most common identifier used to set character sets in Internet Explorer. For example, in the previous code sample the Charset Label is windows-1251. These identifiers are used for outbound data.
- Aliases. Other identifiers that can be used to set character sets. These identifiers are used for inbound data.
- IE Ver. Versions of Internet Explorer that support the listed character sets.
- Min OS. Minimum operating system that supports the listed character sets.
- Code Page. Code page that supports the listed character sets.
- Family Code Page. Indicates a Microsoft Windows code page that is used to represent all or most of the characters in a charset.
Charsets in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
CharsetFriendlyName | Preferred Charset Label | Aliases | IE Ver | Min OS | CodePage | FamilyCodePage |
Arabic (ASMO 708) | ASMO-708 | IE5 | Win95 | 708 | 1256 | |
Arabic (DOS) | DOS-720 | IE5 | Win95 | 720 | 1256 | |
Arabic (ISO) | iso-8859-6 | arabic, csISOLatinArabic, ECMA-114, ISO_8859-6, ISO_8859-6:1987, iso-ir-127 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28596 | 1256 |
Arabic (Mac) | x-mac-arabic | IE5 | Win2000 | 10004 | 1256 | |
Arabic (Windows) | windows-1256 | cp1256 | IE5 | Win95 | 1256 | 1256 |
Baltic (DOS) | ibm775 | CP500 | IE5 | Win2000 | 775 | 1257 |
Baltic (ISO) | iso-8859-4 | csISOLatin4, ISO_8859-4, ISO_8859-4:1988, iso-ir-110, l4, latin4 | IE5 | Win95 | 28594 | 1257 |
Baltic (Windows) | windows-1257 | IE5 | Win95 | 1257 | 1257 | |
Central European (DOS) | ibm852 | cp852 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 852 | 1250 |
Central European (ISO) | iso-8859-2 | csISOLatin2, iso_8859-2, iso_8859-2:1987, iso8859-2, iso-ir-101, l2, latin2 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28592 | 1250 |
Central European (Mac) | x-mac-ce | IE5 | Win2000 | 10029 | 1250 | |
Central European (Windows) | windows-1250 | x-cp1250 | IE5 | Win95 | 1250 | 1250 |
Chinese Simplified (EUC) | EUC-CN | x-euc-cn | IE5 | Win2000 | 51936 | 936 |
Chinese Simplified (GB2312) | gb2312 | chinese, CN-GB, csGB2312, csGB231280, csISO58GB231280, GB_2312-80, GB231280, GB2312-80, GBK, iso-ir-58 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 936 | 936 |
Chinese Simplified (HZ) | hz-gb-2312 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 52936 | 936 | |
Chinese Simplified (Mac) | x-mac-chinesesimp | IE5 | Win2000 | 10008 | 936 | |
Chinese Traditional (Big5) | big5 | cn-big5, csbig5, x-x-big5 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 950 | 950 |
Chinese Traditional (CNS) | x-Chinese-CNS | IE5 | Win2000 | 20000 | 950 | |
Chinese Traditional (Eten) | x-Chinese-Eten | IE5 | Win2000 | 20002 | 950 | |
Chinese Traditional (Mac) | x-mac-chinesetrad | IE5 | Win2000 | 10002 | 950 | |
Cyrillic (DOS) | cp866 | ibm866 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 866 | 1251 |
Cyrillic (ISO) | iso-8859-5 | csISOLatin5, csISOLatinCyrillic, cyrillic, ISO_8859-5, ISO_8859-5:1988, iso-ir-144, l5 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28595 | 1251 |
Cyrillic (KOI8-R) | koi8-r | csKOI8R, koi, koi8, koi8r | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 20866 | 1251 |
Cyrillic (KOI8-U) | koi8-u | koi8-ru | IE5 | Win95 | 21866 | 1251 |
Cyrillic (Mac) | x-mac-cyrillic | IE5 | Win2000 | 10007 | 1251 | |
Cyrillic (Windows) | windows-1251 | x-cp1251 | IE5 | Win95 | 1251 | 1251 |
Europa | x-Europa | IE5 | n.a. | 29001 | 1252 | |
German (IA5) | x-IA5-German | IE5 | Win2000 | 20106 | 1252 | |
Greek (DOS) | ibm737 | IE5 | Win2000 | 737 | 1253 | |
Greek (ISO) | iso-8859-7 | csISOLatinGreek, ECMA-118, ELOT_928, greek, greek8, ISO_8859-7, ISO_8859-7:1987, iso-ir-126 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28597 | 1253 |
Greek (Mac) | x-mac-greek | IE5 | Win2000 | 10006 | 1253 | |
Greek (Windows) | windows-1253 | IE5 | Win95 | 1253 | 1253 | |
Greek, Modern (DOS) | ibm869 | IE5 | Win2000 | 869 | 1253 | |
Hebrew (DOS) | DOS-862 | IE5 | Win95 | 862 | 1255 | |
Hebrew (ISO-Logical) | iso-8859-8-i | logical | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 38598 | 1255 |
Hebrew (ISO-Visual) | iso-8859-8 | csISOLatinHebrew, hebrew, ISO_8859-8, ISO_8859-8:1988, ISO-8859-8, iso-ir-138, visual | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28598 | 1255 |
Hebrew (Mac) | x-mac-hebrew | IE5 | Win2000 | 10005 | 1255 | |
Hebrew (Windows) | windows-1255 | ISO_8859-8-I, ISO-8859-8, visual | IE5 | Win95 | 1255 | 1255 |
IBM EBCDIC (Arabic) | x-EBCDIC-Arabic | IE5 | Win2000 | 20420 | 1256 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Russian) | x-EBCDIC-CyrillicRussian | IE5 | Win2000 | 20880 | 1251 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Serbian-Bulgarian) | x-EBCDIC-CyrillicSerbianBulgarian | IE5 | Win2000 | 21025 | 1251 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway) | x-EBCDIC-DenmarkNorway | IE5 | Win2000 | 20277 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway-Euro) | x-ebcdic-denmarknorway-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1142 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden) | x-EBCDIC-FinlandSweden | IE5 | Win2000 | 20278 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro) | x-ebcdic-finlandsweden-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1143 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro) | x-ebcdic-finlandsweden-euro | X-EBCDIC-France | IE5 | Win2000 | 1143 | 1252 |
IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro) | x-ebcdic-france-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1147 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Germany) | x-EBCDIC-Germany | IE5 | Win2000 | 20273 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Germany-Euro) | x-ebcdic-germany-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1141 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Greek Modern) | x-EBCDIC-GreekModern | IE5 | Win2000 | 875 | 1253 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Greek) | x-EBCDIC-Greek | IE5 | Win2000 | 20423 | 1253 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Hebrew) | x-EBCDIC-Hebrew | IE5 | Win2000 | 20424 | 1255 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic) | x-EBCDIC-Icelandic | IE5 | Win2000 | 20871 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic-Euro) | x-ebcdic-icelandic-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1149 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (International-Euro) | x-ebcdic-international-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1148 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Italy) | x-EBCDIC-Italy | IE5 | Win2000 | 20280 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Italy-Euro) | x-ebcdic-italy-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1144 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and Japanese Katakana) | x-EBCDIC-JapaneseAndKana | IE5 | Win2000 | 50930 | 932 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and Japanese-Latin) | x-EBCDIC-JapaneseAndJapaneseLatin | IE5 | Win2000 | 50939 | 932 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and US-Canada) | x-EBCDIC-JapaneseAndUSCanada | IE5 | Win2000 | 50931 | 932 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Japanese katakana) | x-EBCDIC-JapaneseKatakana | IE5 | Win2000 | 20290 | 932 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Korean and Korean Extended) | x-EBCDIC-KoreanAndKoreanExtended | IE5 | Win2000 | 50933 | 949 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Korean Extended) | x-EBCDIC-KoreanExtended | IE5 | Win2000 | 20833 | 949 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Multilingual Latin-2) | CP870 | IE5 | Win2000 | 870 | 1250 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Simplified Chinese) | x-EBCDIC-SimplifiedChinese | IE5 | Win2000 | 50935 | 936 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Spain) | X-EBCDIC-Spain | IE5 | Win2000 | 20284 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Spain-Euro) | x-ebcdic-spain-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1145 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Thai) | x-EBCDIC-Thai | IE5 | Win2000 | 20838 | 874 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Traditional Chinese) | x-EBCDIC-TraditionalChinese | IE5 | Win2000 | 50937 | 950 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Turkish Latin-5) | CP1026 | IE5 | Win2000 | 1026 | 1254 | |
IBM EBCDIC (Turkish) | x-EBCDIC-Turkish | IE5 | Win2000 | 20905 | 1254 | |
IBM EBCDIC (UK) | x-EBCDIC-UK | IE5 | Win2000 | 20285 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (UK-Euro) | x-ebcdic-uk-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1146 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada) | ebcdic-cp-us | IE5 | Win2000 | 37 | 1252 | |
IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada-Euro) | x-ebcdic-cp-us-euro | IE5 | Win2000 | 1140 | 1252 | |
Icelandic (DOS) | ibm861 | IE5 | Win2000 | 861 | 1252 | |
Icelandic (Mac) | x-mac-icelandic | IE5 | Win2000 | 10079 | 1252 | |
ISCII Assamese | x-iscii-as | IE5 | Win2000 | 57006 | 57006 | |
ISCII Bengali | x-iscii-be | IE5 | Win2000 | 57003 | 57003 | |
ISCII Devanagari | x-iscii-de | IE5 | Win2000 | 57002 | 57002 | |
ISCII Gujarathi | x-iscii-gu | IE5 | Win2000 | 57010 | 57010 | |
ISCII Kannada | x-iscii-ka | IE5 | Win2000 | 57008 | 57008 | |
ISCII Malayalam | x-iscii-ma | IE5 | Win2000 | 57009 | 57009 | |
ISCII Oriya | x-iscii-or | IE5 | Win2000 | 57007 | 57007 | |
ISCII Panjabi | x-iscii-pa | IE5 | Win2000 | 57011 | 57011 | |
ISCII Tamil | x-iscii-ta | IE5 | Win2000 | 57004 | 57004 | |
ISCII Telugu | x-iscii-te | IE5 | Win2000 | 57005 | 57005 | |
Japanese (EUC) | euc-jp | csEUCPkdFmtJapanese, Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese, x-euc, x-euc-jp | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 51932 | 932 |
Japanese (JIS) | iso-2022-jp | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 50220 | 932 | |
Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana - SO/SI) | iso-2022-jp | _iso-2022-jp$SIO | IE5 | Win95 | 50222 | 932 |
Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana) | csISO2022JP | _iso-2022-jp | IE5 | Win95 | 50221 | 932 |
Japanese (Mac) | x-mac-japanese | IE5 | Win2000 | 10001 | 932 | |
Japanese (Shift-JIS) | shift_jis | csShiftJIS, csWindows31J, ms_Kanji, shift-jis, x-ms-cp932, x-sjis | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 932 | 932 |
Korean | ks_c_5601-1987 | csKSC56011987, euc-kr, iso-ir-149, korean, ks_c_5601, ks_c_5601_1987, ks_c_5601-1989, KSC_5601, KSC5601 | IE5 | Win95 | 949 | 949 |
Korean (EUC) | euc-kr | csEUCKR | IE5 | Win95 | 51949 | 949 |
Korean (ISO) | iso-2022-kr | csISO2022KR | IE5 | Win95 | 50225 | 949 |
Korean (Johab) | Johab | IE5 | Win2000 | 1361 | 1361 | |
Korean (Mac) | x-mac-korean | IE5 | Win2000 | 10003 | 949 | |
Latin 3 (ISO) | iso-8859-3 | csISO, Latin3, ISO_8859-3, ISO_8859-3:1988, iso-ir-109, l3, latin3 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 28593 | 1254 |
Latin 9 (ISO) | iso-8859-15 | csISO, Latin9, ISO_8859-15, l9, latin9 | IE5 | Win95 | 28605 | 1252 |
Norwegian (IA5) | x-IA5-Norwegian | IE5 | Win2000 | 20108 | 1252 | |
OEM United States | IBM437 | 437, cp437, csPC8, CodePage437 | IE5 | Win2000 | 437 | 1252 |
Swedish (IA5) | x-IA5-Swedish | IE5 | Win2000 | 20107 | 1252 | |
Thai (Windows) | windows-874 | DOS-874, iso-8859-11, TIS-620 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 874 | 874 |
Turkish (DOS) | ibm857 | IE5 | Win2000 | 857 | 1254 | |
Turkish (ISO) | iso-8859-9 | csISO, Latin5, ISO_8859-9, ISO_8859-9:1989, iso-ir-148, l5, latin5 | IE5 | Win95 | 28599 | 1254 |
Turkish (Mac) | x-mac-turkish | IE5 | Win2000 | 10081 | 1254 | |
Turkish (Windows) | windows-1254 | ISO_8859-9, ISO_8859-9:1989, iso-8859-9, iso-ir-148, latin5 | IE5 | Win95 | 1254 | 1254 |
Unicode | unicode | utf-16 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 1200 | 1200 |
Unicode (Big-Endian) | unicodeFFFE | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 1201 | 1200 | |
Unicode (UTF-7) | utf-7 | csUnicode11UTF7, unicode-1-1-utf-7, x-unicode-2-0-utf-7 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 65000 | 1200 |
Unicode (UTF-8) | utf-8 | unicode-1-1-utf-8, unicode-2-0-utf-8, x-unicode-2-0-utf-8 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 65001 | 1200 |
US-ASCII | us-ascii | ANSI_X3.4-1968, ANSI_X3.4-1986, ascii, cp367, csASCII, IBM367, ISO_646.irv:1991, ISO646-US, iso-ir-6us | IE5 | Win95 | 20127 | 1252 |
Vietnamese (Windows) | windows-1258 | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 1258 | 1258 | |
Western European (DOS) | ibm850 | IE5 | Win2000 | 850 | 1252 | |
Western European (IA5) | x-IA5 | IE5 | Win2000 | 20105 | 1252 | |
Western European (ISO) | iso-8859-1 | cp819, csISO, Latin1, ibm819, iso_8859-1, iso_8859-1:1987, iso8859-1, iso-ir-100, l1, latin1 | IE5 | Win95 | 28591 | 1252 |
Western European (Mac) | macintosh | IE5 | Win2000 | 10000 | 1252 | |
Western European (Windows) | Windows-1252 | ANSI_X3.4-1968, ANSI_X3.4-1986, ascii, cp367, cp819, csASCII, IBM367, ibm819, ISO_646.irv:1991, iso_8859-1, iso_8859-1:1987, ISO646-US, iso8859-1, iso-8859-1, iso-ir-100, iso-ir-6, latin1, us, us-ascii, x-ansi | IE5 | Win95 | 1252 | 1252 |
Internal Charsets Not for General Use
The following character sets are not for general use, so do not use them to label documents.
Charset Friendly Name | Preferred Charset Label | Aliases | IE Ver | Min OS | Code Page | Family Code Page |
User Defined | x-user-defined | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 50000 | 50000 | |
Japanese (Auto-Select) | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 50932 | 932 | ||
Auto-Select | IE5 | Win95 | 50001 | 50001 | ||
Korean (Auto-Select) | IE5, IE4 | Win95 | 50949 | 949 |
- CrossLoop
- IRemotePC
- Hamachi - ten wydaje się ma duże możliwości
- IE7ProSetup
- Hamachi - może dlatego dobry bo tworzy sieć wirtualną między komputerami w Internecie korzystając z peer-2-peer
- - obsługa poczty
- Try the <a href="cookswingdemo.jnlp">Java Web Start demo</a> - tak można wystartować aplikację w Javie
- - menu
- - tutorial do prototype
- -ciekawy z niego mam poniższe linki
- * -super biblioteka dla JS, mnóstwo bajerów
- - tutorial o Proto
- *
- Przykład :
- * - mówi o tym, żeby używać iconv w PHP np: $name = iconv("UTF-8", "windows-1256", $_POST['name']);
- - ActiveWidgets -250 USD
- - wiele informacji
- - CoolJsTree - bezpłatna. Ciekawy człowiek -
- - ale nie ma table!
Problemy z PHP:
Strings - A string is series of characters. In PHP, a character is the same as a byte, that is, there are exactly 256 different characters possible. This also implies that PHP has no native support of Unicode. See utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() for some Unicode support.
Pozostaje jeszcze funkcja iconv w php.
Super strona o kodowaniu w UTF-8:
- - świetnie pokazuje dowolny znak z Unicode
- - w tym kodzie nie ma miejsca dla znaku € (domyślnie to 128, ale takiego znaku nie ma, jest niedopuszczalny). Hopteza - przy transmisji następuje najpierw spakowanie znaków po stronie klienta do kodu UTF-8, transmisja po sieci i rozpakowanie z UTF-8 na domyślny kod, ale ponieważ w danym alfabecie tego znaku nie ma to zastępowany jest znacznikem HTML €. Jest to potwierdzone w bazie Informix.
- - dane o kodowaniu
- Deklaracja - Tag meta Deklarację użytego zestawu znaków powinno się wysyłać bezpośrednio w nagłówkach serwera (poza dokumentem), ale najczęściej autorzy stron nie mają takiej możliwości. Z tego powodu powstał tag
.Deklarację należy umieścić w sekcji<head>
. Dla kodowania ISO wygląda tak:<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2">
W PHP jest funkcja
wysyłająca nagłówki HTTP.<?php
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2");
Taka deklaracja zastępuje tag
.W JavaServer Pages (nie myl z apletami Java ani JavaScript) kodowanie ustawia się następująco:
<%@ page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
Dziwactwa IE - wiele ciekawych porównań
Przewijanie:<DIV ID="oID_1" STYLE="overflow:scroll; height=200; width=150; text-align:left">The <B>scrollHeight</B> property is read-only, allowing
you to obtain the height actually needed in the scrolling. Even though the height of this <B>DIV</B> is 200, the
height inside the scrolling text box may be less, since the wrapping of the text may mean that not the entire
width of the object is used. This dimension may be useful for a variety of reasons; for example,
the height of the <B>DIV</B> could be set to the <B>scrollHeight</B> to conserve horizontal space while respecting the
set width as a maximum. </DIV> i skrypt <SCRIPT>function fnCheckScroll(){
var newheight = oID_1.scrollHeight; alert("The value of the scrollHeight property is " + newheight + " pixels");}</SCRIPT>
Zdarzenia - Workaround: If your script is unable to rely on older event models, use a combination of addEventListener and attachEvent, and fall back to older models. Use
if( theElement.addEventListener ) {
} else if ( theElement.attachEvent ) {
} else {
theElement.onclick = myfunction;
} -
- frameworki w językach skryptowych po stronie klienta np. advanced Ajax, Prototype, Yahoo. Ale nie wspierają natywnie wykonywania skryptów po stronie serwera, wywołują jedynie strony ze spreparowanymi URL (GET) lub przesyłają w strumieniu (nagłówku HTTP metoda POST)
- frameworki w językach skryptowych po stronie serwera np. XAJAX dla PHP (ale część kliencką nadal trzeba pisać w JS, czyli używać innego języka)
- frameworki typu GTW (Google) wszystko piszemy w Javie, nawet stronę kliencką (kod w Javie jest generowany do JS) - unika się wtedy syndromu dwóch języków
- unikalny framework ATLAS (MS) jeden język tu i tam