Rzut oka na całość
http://milinkovich.blogspot.com/ - blog dyrektora Eclipse m.in. Today's stop is at the Zend/PHP conference, where Zend announced that they are joining Eclipse as a Strategic Developer. They are going to be leading a project to implement PHP development tools at Eclipse. I think I said in my first press interview upon joining Eclipse that this community is about more languages and platforms than Java. Having Zend come to build PHP tools at Eclipse is a big step in that direction.
http://news.com.com/2061-10795_3-5900280.html?tag=nl – Ward Cunningham - Wiki founder leaves MS for Eclipse (…become the developer tool maker's … np. Dyrektor)
http://www.lattix.com/about/about.htm - Lattix (co to?)
http://www.flexwiki.com/default.aspx/FlexWiki.OneMinuteWiki - FlexWiki
http://eclipse.techforge.com/index.php - Site o Eclipsie
http://news.com.com/Andreessen+PHP+succeeding+where+Java+isnt/2100-1012_3-5903187.html?tag=newsmap – Andreessen (jedna z osób stojących za utworzeniem JavaScriptu) obecnie pracujący w Zend chwali język PHP. Java początkowo zgodnie z założeniem była prosta, ale przez 10 lat rozwoju stała się bardzo skomplikowana. Koniec z rywalizacją Java z PHP – dlatego Zend wszedł do grona firm ściśle wspierających fundację Eclipse. Liczy także na „wyklucie” się standardu łączenia języków skryptowych z Java (JSR 223). Przewiduje się nową wersję PHP 5.1 (listopad br. nisko poziomowa bazodanowa warstwa abstrakcji z bazami powinna ułatwić komunikację z różnymi bazami oraz wysoko poziomowa warstwa interfejsu z danymi w formacie XML tworzonymi i pobieranymi przez serwisy webowe), zaś wersja 6 (wsparcie dla Unicode – Co! Dopiero teraz?) zaplanowana będzie w 2006. Tutorial b. ciekawy na temat PHP oraz porównania z ASP i J2EE. Autor wspomina o złej passie Flash mimo niezwykle atrakcyjnego GUI .
piątek, października 21, 2005
Jak Sun z Google
W mysl porozumienia Sun będzie za "pewną" kwotę rozprowadzał pasek Google (Toolbar). W zamian za to Google obiecał zakupić "pewną" ilosć serwerów Sun'a. Podobne prozumienie między Sun'em a MS miało inne podłoże. W tym przypadku chodziło o pogodzenie wasni i sporów z czasów Javy - partnerstwo z rozsądku. Zbliżenie miało na celu usunięcie przeszkód hamujących wymianę technologii i kompatybilnosć, współpracę produktów obu firm. W przypadku paktu S-G jest inaczej. Obie firmy mają zgodne interesy (nie mają wspólnych punktów w któych mogą ze soba rywalizować) i tak samo postrzegają znaczenie sieci i Internetu - partnerstwo naturalne. Zaciera się granica między oprogramowaniem uruchamianym na PC a serwisem uruchamianym w sieci (lokalnej czy też internecie). Ziszcza się wizja "network-centric computing" Sun'a (Scott McNealy) - sieć zastąpi PC-ta jako platformę. Teraz po przyłączeniu się G - platforma ta staje się platformą udostępniania aplikacji.
Odtwarzacz ...do VM
Niespodziewanie firma VMware udostępniła darmowy odtwarzacz maszyn wirtualnych (pełny produkt kosztuje od 200 do 100 dolarów w zależnosci od funkcjonalnosci i przeznaczenia - dla deweloperów lub "biurowców"). Dodatkowo można bezpłatnie sciągnąć "obrazy" prekonfigurowanych VM przygotowane przez BEA, Oracle, IBM, Suse, RedHat i innych. Jest nawet "bezpieczna" przegladarkowa maszyna wirtualna do sufrowania w Internecie.
Wrzawa na temat OpenDoc
OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, dumna ze swych prac (prowadzonych pod naciskiem IBM, Sun oraz innych rywali Microsoft) poddała swój standard OpenDocument do the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). OpenDocument jest zbiorem formatów do przechowywania danych z aplikacji biurowch np. edytorów, arkuszy oraz programów prezentacyjnych. W zeszłym miesiący OASIS postąpiła podobnie wysyłając specyfikację OpenDocument do Electrotechnical Commission's Joint Technical Committee at ISO (ISO/IEC JTC1) w celu nadania jej statusu standardu.
Dlaczego MS nie wspiera tego standardu? Nie ma na to zapotrzebowania. Na razie po inwestycji w konwerter HTML inwestuje w fromat PDF i nie przewiduje oprogramowania do "czytania" plików PDF. PDF jest finalnym formatem dokumentu przeznaczonego wyłącznie do wydruku. Odtworzenie jego jej po prostu "hackowaniem" zawartosci. Dlatego MS proklamuje swój format Open XML, który ma wyjscie do formatu PDF.
Dlaczego MS nie wspiera tego standardu? Nie ma na to zapotrzebowania. Na razie po inwestycji w konwerter HTML inwestuje w fromat PDF i nie przewiduje oprogramowania do "czytania" plików PDF. PDF jest finalnym formatem dokumentu przeznaczonego wyłącznie do wydruku. Odtworzenie jego jej po prostu "hackowaniem" zawartosci. Dlatego MS proklamuje swój format Open XML, który ma wyjscie do formatu PDF.
czwartek, października 20, 2005
Co IBM daje z RUP
- In order to create the new streamlined process, called the Eclipse Process Framework, IBM is contributing a subset of the company's Rational Unified Process (RUP) product (15%).
- Developers building software using .Net will use the Eclipse Process Framework because Microsoft has its own methodology and best processes for software development called the Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF). Microsoft has its own metamodel for its development process rather than using the Object Management Group's (OMG's) Software Process Engineering Metamodel (SPEM), an industry standard for software development. MSF was based on a simplified version of SPEM and is consistent with the OMG's metamodel.
- MS plans to improve the MSF by offering two process templates for the framework within its collaborative development version of Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2005 Team System: 1) MSF for Agile Software Development enables iterative software development enhanced with features like risk management, release management, and design for operations, while 2) MSF for CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Process Improvement provides connections to the CMMI process to enable organizations to implement mature software development practices and drive business capability quickly, according to the spokeswoman.
Co nowego?
The JavaScript Diaries: Part 10 - bardzo ciekawe na tema obiektów okan przeglądarki
http://www.networkworld.com/details/752.html - LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
http://www.developer.com/lang/jscript/article.php/947041 - Cross-script (podrzucanie specjalnie skrojonego kodu aby się wykonywał zamiast kodu z przegladarki). CERT się rozpisuje na ten temat tu.
http://www.ftponline.com/vsm/2005_08/magazine/features/rjennings/ - kodowanie pól w mS SQL Server 2005
JSEDITOR/JSECLIPSE - nowe wtyczki do Eclipse służące do edycji JAVASCRIPT.
Ciekawe resursiki z publikacji "AJAX: dawn of a new developer":
Wiki compilation of patterns for AJAX developers: http://www.ajaxpatterns.org/
XMLHttpRequest tutorial: "Very Dynamic Web Interfaces," Drew McLellan (XML.com February 2005): http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2005/02/09/xml-http-request.html
JavaScript performance benchmarking: http://blogs.ebusiness-apps.com/dave/?p=14
AJAX resources: http://www.ajaxmatters.com/
JavaScript specification: http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm
Introducing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON): http://www.crockford.com/JSON/index.html
Venkman JavaScript debugger for Mozilla: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/venkman/
Microsoft XML DOM reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/xmlsdk/html/e9da2722-7879-4e48-869c-7f16714e2824.asp
Microsoft Dynamic HTML reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/dhtml_reference_entry.asp
Gecko DOM Reference: http://www.mozilla.org/docs/dom/domref/
"Migrate Apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla," Doron Rosenberg (IBM developerWorks, July 2005): http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-ie2mozgd/
Mozilla XUL reference: http://www.xulplanet.com/
Microsoft XAML reference: http://windowssdk.msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wcp_conceptual/html/0ff5f36e-dd84-44d1-aa3e-5bb4f147b169.asp?frame=true
James Jesses Garret introduced the term AJAX in his article "AJAX: A New Approach to Web Applications," (Adaptive Path, February 2005): http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA: http://www.jetbrains.com/
Microsoft Visual Studio: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/
JSEditor: http://jseditor.sourceforge.net/
JSEclipse: http://www.interaktonline.com/Products/Eclipse/JSEclipse/Overview/
ActiveState Komodo: http://www.activestate.com/Products/Komodo/
XHTML: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/
Document Object Model: http://www.w3.org/DOM/
Cascading Style Sheets: http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/
Extensible Stylesheet Language: http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/
XForms: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/
Scaling Vector Graphics: http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/
XPath: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath
AJAX.Net: http://ajax.schwarz-interactive.de/csharpsample/default.aspx
Backbase: http://www.backbase.com/
Bitkraft: http://www.tiggrbitz.com/
Django: http://www.djangoproject.com/
Dojo: http://www.dojotoolkit.org/
DWR (Direct Web Reporting): http://getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/
MochiKit: http://mochikit.com/
Prototype: http://prototype.conio.net/
Rico: http://openrico.org/rico/home.page
Sajax: http://www.modernmethod.com/sajax/
Sarissa: http://sarissa.sourceforge.net/doc/
Script.aculo.us: http://script.aculo.us/
Ruby on Rails: http://www.rubyonrails.org/
For more on AJAX and DWR, read "AJAX Made Simple with DWR," Cloves Carneiro Jr. (JavaWorld, June 2005): http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-06-2005/jw-0620-dwr.html
For more articles on Java development tools, browse the Development Tools section of JavaWorld's Topical Index: http://www.javaworld.com/channel_content/jw-tools-index.shtml
For more articles on XML, browse the Java and XML section of JavaWorld's Topical Index: http://www.javaworld.com/channel_content/jw-xml-index.shtml
For more articles on UI design, browse the User Interface Design section of JavaWorld's Topical Index: http://www.javaworld.com/channel_content/jw-ui-index.shtml
http://www.networkworld.com/details/752.html - LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
http://www.developer.com/lang/jscript/article.php/947041 - Cross-script (podrzucanie specjalnie skrojonego kodu aby się wykonywał zamiast kodu z przegladarki). CERT się rozpisuje na ten temat tu.
http://www.ftponline.com/vsm/2005_08/magazine/features/rjennings/ - kodowanie pól w mS SQL Server 2005
JSEDITOR/JSECLIPSE - nowe wtyczki do Eclipse służące do edycji JAVASCRIPT.
Ciekawe resursiki z publikacji "AJAX: dawn of a new developer":
Wiki compilation of patterns for AJAX developers: http://www.ajaxpatterns.org/
XMLHttpRequest tutorial: "Very Dynamic Web Interfaces," Drew McLellan (XML.com February 2005): http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2005/02/09/xml-http-request.html
JavaScript performance benchmarking: http://blogs.ebusiness-apps.com/dave/?p=14
AJAX resources: http://www.ajaxmatters.com/
JavaScript specification: http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm
Introducing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON): http://www.crockford.com/JSON/index.html
Venkman JavaScript debugger for Mozilla: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/venkman/
Microsoft XML DOM reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/xmlsdk/html/e9da2722-7879-4e48-869c-7f16714e2824.asp
Microsoft Dynamic HTML reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/dhtml_reference_entry.asp
Gecko DOM Reference: http://www.mozilla.org/docs/dom/domref/
"Migrate Apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla," Doron Rosenberg (IBM developerWorks, July 2005): http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-ie2mozgd/
Mozilla XUL reference: http://www.xulplanet.com/
Microsoft XAML reference: http://windowssdk.msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wcp_conceptual/html/0ff5f36e-dd84-44d1-aa3e-5bb4f147b169.asp?frame=true
James Jesses Garret introduced the term AJAX in his article "AJAX: A New Approach to Web Applications," (Adaptive Path, February 2005): http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA: http://www.jetbrains.com/
Microsoft Visual Studio: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/
JSEditor: http://jseditor.sourceforge.net/
JSEclipse: http://www.interaktonline.com/Products/Eclipse/JSEclipse/Overview/
ActiveState Komodo: http://www.activestate.com/Products/Komodo/
XHTML: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/
Document Object Model: http://www.w3.org/DOM/
Cascading Style Sheets: http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/
Extensible Stylesheet Language: http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/
XForms: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/
Scaling Vector Graphics: http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/
XPath: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath
AJAX.Net: http://ajax.schwarz-interactive.de/csharpsample/default.aspx
Backbase: http://www.backbase.com/
Bitkraft: http://www.tiggrbitz.com/
Django: http://www.djangoproject.com/
Dojo: http://www.dojotoolkit.org/
DWR (Direct Web Reporting): http://getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/
MochiKit: http://mochikit.com/
Prototype: http://prototype.conio.net/
Rico: http://openrico.org/rico/home.page
Sajax: http://www.modernmethod.com/sajax/
Sarissa: http://sarissa.sourceforge.net/doc/
Script.aculo.us: http://script.aculo.us/
Ruby on Rails: http://www.rubyonrails.org/
For more on AJAX and DWR, read "AJAX Made Simple with DWR," Cloves Carneiro Jr. (JavaWorld, June 2005): http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-06-2005/jw-0620-dwr.html
For more articles on Java development tools, browse the Development Tools section of JavaWorld's Topical Index: http://www.javaworld.com/channel_content/jw-tools-index.shtml
For more articles on XML, browse the Java and XML section of JavaWorld's Topical Index: http://www.javaworld.com/channel_content/jw-xml-index.shtml
For more articles on UI design, browse the User Interface Design section of JavaWorld's Topical Index: http://www.javaworld.com/channel_content/jw-ui-index.shtml
GSoap narzędzie w C
GSoap narzędzie w C++ służące do obsługi WS, jest niezłe wg. raportu CRN. Pierwsze miejsce zajął Systinet Server z uwagi na to, że “supports all major schema standards, including WS-Security, digital signatures, LDAP and Netegrity. The server works on multiple operating systems and supports all major native compilers such as those from Hewlett-Packard and GCC as well as Microsoft's Visual Studio.” Ale jest płatny (od 4,000 do 8,000 USD za produkt na platformie Unix). Bardzo dobrą alternatywą jest GSoap. Trzeci produkt Apache AXIS jest niewypałem.
Czyli wniosek – jeżeli chcesz realizować usługi sieciowe to musisz wykorzystać Gsoap. Tym bardzej, że istnieje mod_gsoap (an Apache module that allows Apache to serve SOAP requests via the Gsoap library. Modules are available for both Apache 1.3 and 2.x.)
Świetna biblioteka i tutoriale do PHP – php.faq.pl
Ciekawe linki do tutoriali na temat JS - http://www.jsworkshop.com/links.php3
http://www.crn.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=18842040&flatPage=true – WinOE (orchestration engine) będzie dodatkiem do serwerowego Longhorna’a (podobnie jak Indigo i WinFs)
Coś jest zgdonie z prawdą na temat zmiany stylu oprogramowania nwoego systemu operacyjnego obecnie znanego jako Vista (zmiana miała miejsce w sierpniu 2004). „In response to on-stage questions posed by Gartner analysts, Ballmer stressed that Microsoft remains innovative and agile, despite its size and longevity compared to newcomers such as Google. When asked by Gartner Fellow Tom Bittman to detail Microsoft’s changed operating-system development strategy, Ballmer said the Redmond, Wash., software giant made big decision in August 2004 to change how it will deliver new capabilities. Skeptics said this was because Microsoft overpromised and underdelivered such key capabilities as the WinFS file system. “
Piękny przykład jak hacker na podstawie oficjalnego patch’a z MS odkrywa błąd źródłowy w kodzie binarnym oprogramowanie (źródło tu). Jest wiele programów do porównywania binarnych danych: BinDiff lub Proces Stalker.
http://mike.teczno.com/json.html - biblioteka PHP-JSON
Czyli wniosek – jeżeli chcesz realizować usługi sieciowe to musisz wykorzystać Gsoap. Tym bardzej, że istnieje mod_gsoap (an Apache module that allows Apache to serve SOAP requests via the Gsoap library. Modules are available for both Apache 1.3 and 2.x.)
Świetna biblioteka i tutoriale do PHP – php.faq.pl
Ciekawe linki do tutoriali na temat JS - http://www.jsworkshop.com/links.php3
http://www.crn.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=18842040&flatPage=true – WinOE (orchestration engine) będzie dodatkiem do serwerowego Longhorna’a (podobnie jak Indigo i WinFs)
Coś jest zgdonie z prawdą na temat zmiany stylu oprogramowania nwoego systemu operacyjnego obecnie znanego jako Vista (zmiana miała miejsce w sierpniu 2004). „In response to on-stage questions posed by Gartner analysts, Ballmer stressed that Microsoft remains innovative and agile, despite its size and longevity compared to newcomers such as Google. When asked by Gartner Fellow Tom Bittman to detail Microsoft’s changed operating-system development strategy, Ballmer said the Redmond, Wash., software giant made big decision in August 2004 to change how it will deliver new capabilities. Skeptics said this was because Microsoft overpromised and underdelivered such key capabilities as the WinFS file system. “
Piękny przykład jak hacker na podstawie oficjalnego patch’a z MS odkrywa błąd źródłowy w kodzie binarnym oprogramowanie (źródło tu). Jest wiele programów do porównywania binarnych danych: BinDiff lub Proces Stalker.
http://mike.teczno.com/json.html - biblioteka PHP-JSON
DOM poziomu 0 zawie
DOM poziomu 0 – zawiera obiekty przeglądarki prezentujące : okno, biezący dokument oraz zawartość.
The window object represents the current browser window. If multiple windows are open or frames are used, there may be more than one window object. These are given aliases to distinguish them:
The location object contains information about the current URL being displayed by the window. It has a set of properties to hold the different components of the URL:
The history object holds information about the URLs that have been visited before and after the current one in the window, and includes methods to go to previous or next locations:
The document object represents the current document in the window. It includes the following child objects:
The navigator object includes information about the current browser version:
The window object represents the current browser window. If multiple windows are open or frames are used, there may be more than one window object. These are given aliases to distinguish them:
- self represents the current window, as does window. This is the window containing the current JavaScript document.
- top is the window currently on top (active) on the screen.
- parent is the window that contains the current frame.
- The frames array contains the window object for each frame in a framed document.
- location stores the location (URL) of the document displayed in the window.
- document stores information about the current Web page.
- The history object contains a list of sites visited before or after the current site in the window.
The location object contains information about the current URL being displayed by the window. It has a set of properties to hold the different components of the URL:
- location.hash is the name of an anchor within the document, if specified.
- location.host is a combination of the host name and port.
- location.hostname specifies the host name.
- location.href is the entire URL.
- location.pathname is the directory to find the document on the host, and the name of the file.
- location.port specifies the communication port.
- location.protocol is the protocol (or method) of the URL.
- location.query specifies a query string.
- location.target specifies the TARGET attribute of the link that was used to reach the current location.
The history object holds information about the URLs that have been visited before and after the current one in the window, and includes methods to go to previous or next locations:
- history.back goes back to the previous location.
- history.forward goes forward to the next location.
- history.go goes to a specified offset in the history list.
The document object represents the current document in the window. It includes the following child objects:
- document.forms is a collection with an element for each form in the document.
- document.links is a collection containing elements for each of the links in the document.
- document.anchors is a collection with elements for each of the anchors in the document.
- document.images contains an element for each of the images in the current document.
- document.applets is a collection with references to each embedded Java applet in the document.
The navigator object includes information about the current browser version:
- appCodeName is the browser's code name, usually "Mozilla."
- appName is the browser's full name.
- appVersion is the version number of the browser. (Example: "4.0(Win95;I)".)
- userAgent is the user-agent header, which is sent to the host when requesting a web page. It includes the entire version information, such as "Mozilla/4.5(Win95;I)."
- plugIns is a collection, which contains information about each currently-available plug-in (Netscape only).
- mimeTypes is a collection containing an element for each of the available MIME types (Netscape only).
http://www.avvenu.com/products/index.html - serwis umożliwiający udostępnianie zasobów na zasadzie P2P
http://www.smartofficenews.com.au/Computing/Platforms_And_Applications?article=/Computing/Platforms%20And%20Applications/News/N4S8U6B4 - Jak zainstalować własny serwer FTP w domu (How To Set Up A Home FTP Site)
http://www.informit.com/library/content.asp?b=STY_JavaScript_24_hours&seqNum=273 – na czym polega dostęp do elementów przeglądarki. Realizuje to DOM. W wersji DOM 1 jest uniwersalnym standardem sposobem dostępu do obiektów zgrupowanych w elemencie nadrzędnym document z DOM 0.
Podstawowe właściwości węzła (Basic Node Properties) - Each object has certain common properties:
Relacje między właściwościami (Relationship Properties) - The following properties describe an object's relationship with others in the hierarchy:
Przesunięcie - While not part of the W3C DOM, both Netscape and Internet Explorer support the following properties that provide information about a node's position:
Style - The style child object under each DOM object includes its style sheet properties. These are based on attributes of a style attribute, <style> tag, or external style sheet. See Hour 18, "Working with Style Sheets," for details on these properties.
Metody dotyczące węzłów - The following methods are available for all DOM nodes:
Metody i właściwości document - The following are methods and properties of the document object:
http://www.smartofficenews.com.au/Computing/Platforms_And_Applications?article=/Computing/Platforms%20And%20Applications/News/N4S8U6B4 - Jak zainstalować własny serwer FTP w domu (How To Set Up A Home FTP Site)
http://www.informit.com/library/content.asp?b=STY_JavaScript_24_hours&seqNum=273 – na czym polega dostęp do elementów przeglądarki. Realizuje to DOM. W wersji DOM 1 jest uniwersalnym standardem sposobem dostępu do obiektów zgrupowanych w elemencie nadrzędnym document z DOM 0.
Podstawowe właściwości węzła (Basic Node Properties) - Each object has certain common properties:
- nodeName is the name of the node (not the ID). The name is the tag name for HTML tag nodes, #document for the document node, and #text for text nodes.
- nodeType is a number describing the node's type: 1 for HTML tags, 3 for text nodes, and 9 for the document.
- nodeValue is the text contained within a text node.
- innerHTML is the HTML contents of a container node.
- id is the value of the ID attribute for the node.
- classname is the value of the class attribute for the node.
Relacje między właściwościami (Relationship Properties) - The following properties describe an object's relationship with others in the hierarchy:
- firstChild is the first child node for the current node.
- lastChild is the last child object for the current node.
- childNodes is an array of all of the child nodes under a node.
- previousSibling is the sibling before the current node.
- nextSibling is the sibling after the current node.
- parentNode is the object that contains the current node.
Przesunięcie - While not part of the W3C DOM, both Netscape and Internet Explorer support the following properties that provide information about a node's position:
- offsetLeft is the distance from the left-hand side of the browser window or containing object to the left edge of the node object.
- offsetTop is the distance from the top of the browser window or containing object to the top of the node object.
- offsetHeight is the height of the node object.
- offsetWidth is the width of the node object.
Style - The style child object under each DOM object includes its style sheet properties. These are based on attributes of a style attribute, <style> tag, or external style sheet. See Hour 18, "Working with Style Sheets," for details on these properties.
Metody dotyczące węzłów - The following methods are available for all DOM nodes:
- appendChild(node) adds a new child node to the node after all of its existing children.
- insertBefore(node,oldnode) inserts a new node before the specified existing child node.
- replaceChild(node,oldnode) replaces the specified old child node with a new node.
- removeChild(node) removes an existing child node.
- hasChildNodes() returns a Boolean value of true if the node has one or more children, or false if it has none.
- cloneNode() returns a copy of the current node.
- getAttribute( attribute_name) gets the value of the attribute you specify and stores it in a variable.
- setAttribute( attribute _ name , value ) sets the value of an attribute.
- removeAttribute( attribute_name) removes the attribute you specify.
- hasAttributes() simply returns true if the node has attributes, and false if it has none.
Metody i właściwości document - The following are methods and properties of the document object:
- document.getElementById( ID ) returns the element with the specified ID attribute.
- document.getElementsByTagName( tag ) returns an array of the elements with the specified tag name. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to return an array containing all of the nodes in the document.
- document.createElement( tag ) creates a new element with the specified tag name.
- document.createTextNode( text ) creates a new text node containing the specified text.
- document.documentElement is an object that represents the document itself, and can be used to find information about the document.
środa, października 19, 2005
AJAX/ATLAS + Mike Gunderloy
http://www.nikhilk.net/AtlasArchitecture.aspx = implementacja AJAX-a ->ATLAS
www.larkware.com - strona Mike Gunderloy'a
http://beta.asp.net/default.aspx?tabindex=7&tabid=47 - BETA ATLAS
http://codebetter.com/blogs/jeffrey.palermo/archive/2005/10/12/133007.aspx - NETScriptterhttp://crn.com/sections/breakingnews/breakingnews.jhtml?articleId=172300361 - RUP dla Eclipse'a
www.larkware.com - strona Mike Gunderloy'a
http://beta.asp.net/default.aspx?tabindex=7&tabid=47 - BETA ATLAS
http://codebetter.com/blogs/jeffrey.palermo/archive/2005/10/12/133007.aspx - NETScriptterhttp://crn.com/sections/breakingnews/breakingnews.jhtml?articleId=172300361 - RUP dla Eclipse'a
Znowu JAJX
http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2005/06/28/416185.aspx - O Atlasie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLHttpRequest - cos z WIKIPEDIII
http://www.mozilla.org/xmlextras/ - A co na to nasz GAD (Mozilla)?
http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/ - dokumentacja w DOXYGEN
http://news.com.com/Microsofts+nightmare+inches+closer+to+reality/2100-1012_3-5877197.html?tag=st.rc.targ_mb - najczerniejszy scenariusz MS (Brad Silverberg i Slivka) się spełnia na naszych oczach. Chodzi o konsekwencje zaniechania linni BS - wejscia do internetru na rzecz linii Allchina - aplikacji monolitycznych.
http://www.developer.com/db/article.php/3547866 - Mike Gunderloy pisze o ENDPOINTS - własciwosci MS SQL Servera 2005.
http://www.betterbudgeting.com/article1051.html - żyć lepiej...(z http://www.larkfarm.com/)
http://www.43folders.com/2005/09/building_a_smar.html -jak dotrzymac zadań
http://www.webdevelopersjournal.com/articles/dhtml3/dhtml3.html - BOM - JS
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLHttpRequest - cos z WIKIPEDIII
http://www.mozilla.org/xmlextras/ - A co na to nasz GAD (Mozilla)?
http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/ - dokumentacja w DOXYGEN
http://news.com.com/Microsofts+nightmare+inches+closer+to+reality/2100-1012_3-5877197.html?tag=st.rc.targ_mb - najczerniejszy scenariusz MS (Brad Silverberg i Slivka) się spełnia na naszych oczach. Chodzi o konsekwencje zaniechania linni BS - wejscia do internetru na rzecz linii Allchina - aplikacji monolitycznych.
http://www.developer.com/db/article.php/3547866 - Mike Gunderloy pisze o ENDPOINTS - własciwosci MS SQL Servera 2005.
http://www.betterbudgeting.com/article1051.html - żyć lepiej...(z http://www.larkfarm.com/)
http://www.43folders.com/2005/09/building_a_smar.html -jak dotrzymac zadań
http://www.webdevelopersjournal.com/articles/dhtml3/dhtml3.html - BOM - JS
Stosowanie smartcards w Windows i inne
Tenże artykuł - http://msd2d.com/newsletter_tip.aspx?section=server&id=111b68f8-ba17-4521-abf6-15abd46310c8
Pomoc i tutoriale o .NET - http://msd2d.com/msd2d/dotnetpage.htm
Dziennik Tim Bray'a - http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/
Nowe wzorce do SharePointa - http://msd2d.com/NewTemplate.aspx
Pomoc i tutoriale o .NET - http://msd2d.com/msd2d/dotnetpage.htm
Dziennik Tim Bray'a - http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/
Nowe wzorce do SharePointa - http://msd2d.com/NewTemplate.aspx
Dlaczego IE jest taki niebezpieczny
"For example, a primary way that spyware and adware infest a Windows system is via the use of the Browser Helper Objects (BHOs) that alter IE's behaviour. This is another case of the common conflict between functionality and security — to the detriment of average users" - z "Thinking of ditching IE? Think again"
wtorek, października 18, 2005
Ach te hasła
Notatka z poczty:
"Today's focus: RSA releases integrated ESSO/two-factor authentication service By Dave Kearns
Even though we're constantly being told that passwords are so
last century, password management remains a critical issue for
corporate networks these days given that:
* The average user has to remember 12 or more passwords for
various systems/apps at work (according to an RSA survey).
* 35% of all help desk call volumes are password related
(according to the Gartner Group).
* The average cost per help desk call is $58 (according to the
Burton Group).
RSA provided these factoids as a justification (as if one were
really needed) for this week's release of RSA Sign-On Manager
4.5. While primarily an enterprise single sign-on service
(ESSO), Version 4.5 also expands Sign-On Manager's integration
with RSA SecurID, the widely deployed two-factor authentication
product. In fact, Sign-On Manager is the only service that joins
ESSO, self-service emergency access and strong authentication
across Microsoft Windows desktops and networks. It's also one of
the few integrated ESSO/two-factor authentication services
available from a single vendor.
Very few organizations have eliminated the use of passwords,
while regulatory compliance requirements are creating security
and password management challenges for organizations of all
sizes. Since passwords will be with us for some time longer, it
behooves us all to find ways to manage them quickly,
efficiently, securely and as inexpensively as possible. Sign-On
Manager, according to RSA, enables companies to implement best
practices for compliance, such as:
* Reducing the causes of unsafe behaviors (such as the password
list on a Post-It) that develop when users are forced to manage
a plethora of passwords.
* Strengthening an ESSO deployment with two-factor
* Delivering automated emergency access capabilities for users
who forget their primary authentication method (e.g., passwords,
RSA SecurID token or smart card).
RSA's in-house developed IntelliAccess emergency access
technology provides self-service in the event of a lost or
misplaced RSA SecurID token, enabling users to access Windows
desktops, VPNs and wireless applications when disconnected from
the network, without calling the help desk. That's right, more
secure access by means of the SecurID one-time password token
coupled with help desk savings through the user's self-service
efforts when a problem occurs. That alone should make Sign-On
Manager worth investigating.
RSA Sign-On Manager 4.5 will be available to customers worldwide
in November. For more information on RSA Sign-On Manager click
here - it could save
you both time and money."
"Today's focus: RSA releases integrated ESSO/two-factor authentication service By Dave Kearns
Even though we're constantly being told that passwords are so
last century, password management remains a critical issue for
corporate networks these days given that:
* The average user has to remember 12 or more passwords for
various systems/apps at work (according to an RSA survey).
* 35% of all help desk call volumes are password related
(according to the Gartner Group).
* The average cost per help desk call is $58 (according to the
Burton Group).
RSA provided these factoids as a justification (as if one were
really needed) for this week's release of RSA Sign-On Manager
4.5. While primarily an enterprise single sign-on service
(ESSO), Version 4.5 also expands Sign-On Manager's integration
with RSA SecurID, the widely deployed two-factor authentication
product. In fact, Sign-On Manager is the only service that joins
ESSO, self-service emergency access and strong authentication
across Microsoft Windows desktops and networks. It's also one of
the few integrated ESSO/two-factor authentication services
available from a single vendor.
Very few organizations have eliminated the use of passwords,
while regulatory compliance requirements are creating security
and password management challenges for organizations of all
sizes. Since passwords will be with us for some time longer, it
behooves us all to find ways to manage them quickly,
efficiently, securely and as inexpensively as possible. Sign-On
Manager, according to RSA, enables companies to implement best
practices for compliance, such as:
* Reducing the causes of unsafe behaviors (such as the password
list on a Post-It) that develop when users are forced to manage
a plethora of passwords.
* Strengthening an ESSO deployment with two-factor
* Delivering automated emergency access capabilities for users
who forget their primary authentication method (e.g., passwords,
RSA SecurID token or smart card).
RSA's in-house developed IntelliAccess emergency access
technology provides self-service in the event of a lost or
misplaced RSA SecurID token, enabling users to access Windows
desktops, VPNs and wireless applications when disconnected from
the network, without calling the help desk. That's right, more
secure access by means of the SecurID one-time password token
coupled with help desk savings through the user's self-service
efforts when a problem occurs. That alone should make Sign-On
Manager worth investigating.
RSA Sign-On Manager 4.5 will be available to customers worldwide
in November. For more information on RSA Sign-On Manager click
you both time and money."
Zegnaj InnoDB
Znamienne, prorocze słowa mówiące o przewadze licencji BSD nad GPL:
As many of you have heard, Oracle recently purchased Innobase, the company that develops the InnoDB storage engine. InnoDB is best known as a MySQL component that implements transactions, row-level locking, and other important database capabilities. Much has been written on this acquisition over the past couple of weeks, but I want to add my two cents to the discussion.
All relational database management systems (RDBMSs) have essentially two components: a SQL layer and a storage engine. The SQL layer is a language that is used to query the database and to manipulate data. The storage engine translates SQL commands in order to store and to manipulate data in underlying, raw disk files. While MySQL supports several storage engines, InnoDB is acknowledged to be the most popular for transactional applications. In other words, InnoDB is used for most MySQL applications that matter. InnoDB is now owned by Oracle.
Naturally, MySQL has put the best face possible on the situation, going so far as to issue a press release titled “MySQL AB Welcomes Oracle's Endorsement of Open Source Database Technology.” And it is certainly true that Oracle’s move demonstrates its recognition that the open source revolution is real. But MySQL’s “welcome” is like chickens welcoming a fox to the coop. In a nutshell, Oracle now controls MySQL’s access to the technology that many of its customers would argue is its most important and critical.
InnoDB is licensed under the GNU Public License (the “GPL”), and MySQL therefore can continue to use InnoDB and to distribute it. However, this is true only for the GPL version of MySQL. For paying customers, MySQL uses a traditional commercial license, and Oracle now controls the commercial licensing of InnoDB. With the Innobase purchase, Larry Ellison has shrewdly capitalized on a competitor’s strategic blunder, i.e., MySQL’s unexplainable failure to buy Innobase themselves and thereby to ensure access to critical technology on favorable terms. For its part, Oracle has stated that it “fully expects to negotiate an extension” to MySQL’s InnoDB license. Time will tell how the “negotiations” go between Oracle and MySQL.
Under just about any scenario I can imagine, Oracle’s purchase of Innobase is not a good thing for MySQL. In fact, it falls somewhere on the continuum between threatening and disastrous. In a recent interview with Martin LaMonica of CNET News, a former Oracle database marketing executive called the acquisition “a flaw in MySQL’s business model.” That is an excellent – and understated – way to put it.
Several people have asked me recently if the same thing could happen to EnterpriseDB. The answer is a definitive no. In the first place, EnterpriseDB is based on PostgreSQL, and PostgreSQL is not owned by a company that can be bought; it is maintained by the worldwide PostgreSQL community. Furthermore, PostgreSQL is distributed under the Berkeley Software Distribution (“BSD”) license, not the GPL. BSD-licensed software contains virtually no restrictions governing its use and distribution, and it therefore cannot ever be held hostage by Oracle or anyone else.
I hope this note throws some light on the subject of InnoDB. Comments are welcome, and can be sent to me at the address below.
Andy Astor, CEOEnterpriseDB Corporationandy@enterprisedb.comwww.enterprisedb.com"
Nic dodać nic ująć
As many of you have heard, Oracle recently purchased Innobase, the company that develops the InnoDB storage engine. InnoDB is best known as a MySQL component that implements transactions, row-level locking, and other important database capabilities. Much has been written on this acquisition over the past couple of weeks, but I want to add my two cents to the discussion.
All relational database management systems (RDBMSs) have essentially two components: a SQL layer and a storage engine. The SQL layer is a language that is used to query the database and to manipulate data. The storage engine translates SQL commands in order to store and to manipulate data in underlying, raw disk files. While MySQL supports several storage engines, InnoDB is acknowledged to be the most popular for transactional applications. In other words, InnoDB is used for most MySQL applications that matter. InnoDB is now owned by Oracle.
Naturally, MySQL has put the best face possible on the situation, going so far as to issue a press release titled “MySQL AB Welcomes Oracle's Endorsement of Open Source Database Technology.” And it is certainly true that Oracle’s move demonstrates its recognition that the open source revolution is real. But MySQL’s “welcome” is like chickens welcoming a fox to the coop. In a nutshell, Oracle now controls MySQL’s access to the technology that many of its customers would argue is its most important and critical.
InnoDB is licensed under the GNU Public License (the “GPL”), and MySQL therefore can continue to use InnoDB and to distribute it. However, this is true only for the GPL version of MySQL. For paying customers, MySQL uses a traditional commercial license, and Oracle now controls the commercial licensing of InnoDB. With the Innobase purchase, Larry Ellison has shrewdly capitalized on a competitor’s strategic blunder, i.e., MySQL’s unexplainable failure to buy Innobase themselves and thereby to ensure access to critical technology on favorable terms. For its part, Oracle has stated that it “fully expects to negotiate an extension” to MySQL’s InnoDB license. Time will tell how the “negotiations” go between Oracle and MySQL.
Under just about any scenario I can imagine, Oracle’s purchase of Innobase is not a good thing for MySQL. In fact, it falls somewhere on the continuum between threatening and disastrous. In a recent interview with Martin LaMonica of CNET News, a former Oracle database marketing executive called the acquisition “a flaw in MySQL’s business model.” That is an excellent – and understated – way to put it.
Several people have asked me recently if the same thing could happen to EnterpriseDB. The answer is a definitive no. In the first place, EnterpriseDB is based on PostgreSQL, and PostgreSQL is not owned by a company that can be bought; it is maintained by the worldwide PostgreSQL community. Furthermore, PostgreSQL is distributed under the Berkeley Software Distribution (“BSD”) license, not the GPL. BSD-licensed software contains virtually no restrictions governing its use and distribution, and it therefore cannot ever be held hostage by Oracle or anyone else.
I hope this note throws some light on the subject of InnoDB. Comments are welcome, and can be sent to me at the address below.
Andy Astor, CEOEnterpriseDB Corporationandy@enterprisedb.comwww.enterprisedb.com"
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