wtorek, czerwca 24, 2008

Inne wiadomości:
  1. Do tłumaczenia:
    1. had to eat its fair share of crow along the way
    2. Browser bruiser -
    3. Inane exclusivity -whining should cease
    4. Opera can claim dibs -
    5. Jobs looked gaunt and even tired -
    6. Price gouging -
    7. Not unlike = Like
  1. Co ciekawego w Opera 9.5 - zapamiętanie stanu "Opera Link"
  2. 10 najważniejszych momentów w życiu Gates'a - http://www.pcworld.pl/news/news.asp?m=7&id=155431
  3. Ślady wody na Marsie - http://content.zdnet.com/2346-9595_22-207416.html
  4. Najładniejsze widoki Ziemi - http://news.cnet.com/2300-11397_3-6237965-2.html?tag=ne.gall.pg
  5. WOT czyli web of trust - http://www.mywot.com/pl/download/ie

  6. Co nowego w Vista SP1 (Donna Tardugno, a wedding videographer in New York, recently purchased a laptop with 4GB of RAM. She was shocked to see only 3GB showing up in the System properties. She wasn't the only one frustrated by "missing" RAM. Apparently, this is a limitation in the way the 32-bit version of Vista handles memory (the 64-bit version doesn't have this issue). It's no longer an issue, as SP1 fixes the problem and shows you the full amount of memory in your system Wklejono z <http://redmondmag.com/reports/special/article.asp?EditorialsID=138> )
  7. Myśli: LDAP, Yahoo widget, Prism, Wrox subskr.
  8. Warto - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3615
  9. Windows Live SkyDrive działa, podobnie jak działa polska wersja MSN - https://cid-871bbac9844b3467.skydrive.live.com/home.aspx (http://skydrive.live.com/home.aspx)

poniedziałek, czerwca 23, 2008
