sobota, maja 14, 2005

Zmagania trwają

Okazuje się, że obszar współpracy miedzy pracownikami (collaboration) oraz wymiany komunikatów (messaging/communication) jest ciągle atrakcyjny dla żądnych zysków firm. Collaboration i Communication są decydujacymi elementami każego przedsiębiorstwa. Dotychczas Novell interesował się tym, co zaowocowało wsparciem dwówch produktów: znanego jeszcze z systemu sieciowego GroupWise oraz nowego produktu, powstałego po przejęciu firmy Suse - OpenExchange Server a także Evolution.
Ostatnia wiadomość mówi o potajemnej współpracy firmy Oracle z Mozilla Foundation na niwie zintegrowanego produktu bazujacego na bezpłatnym kliencie pocztowym Thunderbird oraz aplikacji do zarzadzania kalendarzem Sunbird. Celem jest wprowadzenie na rynek zagrożenia dla MS Outlook a tym samym serwerowi Exchange. Projekt nosi nazwę Lightning Project.
Oczywiscie Oracle ma też swój produkt Oracle Collaboration Suite (OCS), ale jakos im nie idzie sprzedaż. Forrest Research nawet sugeruje, żeby ożywić rynek poprzez udostępnieniu kodów źrodłowych OCS. Firma Oracle napewno na to nie pójdzie. Najbardziej prawdopodony wariant to zachowanie technologii OCS jako propriarty natomiast uczynienie klienta do niego typu open-source. Do tego nadaje się właśnie TB oraz SB.
Na podstawie Oracle works quietly with Mozilla

piątek, maja 13, 2005

Nareszcie kompleksowe rozwiązanie problemu bezpieczeństwa

MS to Offer Windows Antivirus, More
By Nate Mook, BetaNews
May 13, 2005, 11:40 AM

In a long expected move that the antivirus industry has been dreading, Microsoft will offer a comprehensive security package for Windows users called "Windows OneCare." The subscription service will go beyond online threats, delivering data backup tools and automating computer maintenance tasks.

Currently set to enter beta testing, Windows OneCare revives Microsoft's PC Satisfaction trial from 2003, which bundled third party antivirus and firewall solutions, as well as backup and PC health monitoring services into a single interface.

With OneCare, however, Microsoft is using in-house technologies it has acquired since PC Satisfaction. In June 2003, Microsoft purchased the antivirus technology assets of GeCAD Software. In late 2004, Redmond bought up anti-spyware company Giant Company Software, which led to the release of Windows AntiSpyware earlier this year.

Windows OneCare will pull together Microsoft's disparate security offerings into a single, integrated experience. The service will run in the background, notifying users of updates and potential threats to their system, such as worms, viruses and spyware.

The bundled Windows firewall will provide two-way protection, although it's not clear if OneCare will expand the functionality of the firewall shipped in Windows XP SP2.

OneCare will also automatically carry out PC maintenance including hard drive defragmentation, disk cleanup and file repair. Automated backups can take place to CD or DVD, copying all files on a system or only those that have changed since the last backup.

"Windows OneCare is the next major advance in our ongoing efforts to help keep consumers' Windows-based PCs 'healthy' in a way that's simple and as worry-free as possible for them," said Ryan Hamlin, general manager of the Technology Care and Safety Group at Microsoft.

"We're designing the service so it will continually update and evolve over time, helping to ensure that our customers will have the most complete and effective protection and safety services in place every time they turn on their PC."

Employees at Microsoft will begin testing Windows OneCare this week. A public beta will ship later this year. Interested Windows users can apply now for the private beta test by visiting BetaPlace using the Guest ID: OneCare.

Pricing and a final release date for the subscription service have not been announced by Microsoft.

Co będzie w Office 12

Na konferencji w Las Vegas Bill gates omówił co nowego będzie w Office System:
  1. business intelligence
  2. współdzielenie dokumentu
  3. wspomaganie zarządzaniem prawami do dokumentów
  4. planowanie i zarządzanie przepływami
  5. wersje serwerów Visio, Excel oraz może InfoPath
  6. nowa aplikacja graficzne na bazie technologii Avalon (z LH, która będzie portowana na stare systemy operacyjne)
Jest już wersja beta aplikacji serwerowej Maestro tzw. server-based business management scorecard software

Pomoc w tworzeniu procedur w C dla Oracle

Update on my previous answer: I recently had the pleasure of using "external procedures" on two recent engagements, and it's great! It's well-documented ("Oracle8 PL/SQL Reference", chapter 10 and "Oracle8 Administration", chapter on "Managing Processes" and demos in "$ORACLE_HOME/plsql/demo") and provides great performance. No memory leaks or anything like that. I was using v8.0.5 on both occasions, once on HP-UX 11 and the other time on Solaris 2.x (not sure which version)...

czwartek, maja 12, 2005

Why Python? | Linux Journal

Why Python? | Linux Journal: "``More than one way to do it'' lent flavor and expressiveness at a small scale, but made it significantly harder to maintain consistent style across a wider code base. And many of the features that were later patched into Perl to address the complexity-control needs of bigger programs (objects, lexical scoping, ``use strict'', etc.) had a fragile, jerry-rigged feel about them."
Jest to jeden z głównych wad języków, zbyt duża ich elastyczność prowadzi do chaosu i trudności w utrzymaniu spójnego, jednolitego stylu pisania.

środa, maja 11, 2005

Czy Harmony to druga JAVA?

Sun expresses curiosity about Apache project
Paul Krill, InfoWorld
11/05/2005 09:52:06
Apache's Project Harmony involves building a Java-compatible implementation of J2SE 5 under the Apache License Version 2. The project will feature a modular run-time architecture, including a virtual machine and class library, to allow independent implementations to share run-time components and allow innovation in these components, according to Apache.
"What we're trying to do here is start a project to build a certified version of Java, J2SE 5," said Geir Magnusson, an Apache director. There is a lot of demand for this project, according to Magnusson.
Apache does plan to have its Java platform conform to the Java Community Process standard for Java implementations, Magnusson said.
"We definitely want to make sure that whatever we do is fully compatible," said Magnusson. The open source Java would, for example, allow users to port it to whatever platform they desire, he said.
Sun Microsystems, which developed Java and shepherds its development as part of the JCP, has opposed allowing Java to become a full-fledged open source technology, stressing the need for compatibility. The company has allowed for open source projects to be developed using Java technology, however.
In his blog, Sun Vice President Graham Hamilton expressed curiosity about the Apache project.
"Sun is a big supporter of Apache (this includes making donations of hardware and storage) and we're always very glad to see them participate in Java development. In many ways launching a J2SE project is the obvious next step in Apache's work around Java. Personally, I am very curious about how the Harmony project will work out -- creating a full scale implementation of J2SE is a mammoth task, as the Sun J2SE team knows only too well. However I wish Apache success and we'll certainly be tracking this as it develops. We'll probably participate in the project at some level, although most of our efforts will continue to be focused on building Sun's reference implementation of J2SE.
"Apache have always been a strong supporter of the Java compatibility program and I'm glad to see that they are emphasizing that commitment to compatibility as part of the Harmony project." Hamilton said.

poniedziałek, maja 09, 2005

Lista podstawowych usług IT + Migracja Orac->MS

Oto lista podstawowych (core) usług świadczonych przez dział IT wg. firmy Microsoft (wg. Windows Server System Reference Architecture (WSSRA)):
  • Zarzadzanie urzadzeniami:
  1. siecia
  2. pamiecia
  3. komputerami i perferia
  • Zarzadzanie usługami (serwisami):
  1. instlacja
  2. sieć
  3. zapora
  4. AD
  5. udostępnianie plików i drukarek
  6. aplikacje internetowe
  7. usługi udostępniania danych
  8. zarzadzanie infrastruktura
  9. tworzenie kopii zapasowych i odzyskiwanie danych
  10. certyfikaty i klucze
  11. zdalny dostęp
  12. warstwa middleware
  13. komunikacja korporacyjna

Ciekawy dodatek: Migracja Oracle->MS SQL Server jest pod tym adresem
Oprogramowanie do migracji (w fazie beta) jest tu.


Technical Subjects Covered in This Guide

The following technical topics and subject areas are included in this guide:

Migration of a typical Oracle database, including objects (such as tables, indexes, views, triggers, and stored procedures) and the contents of the objects to SQL Server.

Methods and procedures that focus on taking advantage of existing applications on UNIX platforms by communicating with SQL Server on Windows.

Migration of applications and APIs to work under Microsoft Win32®, Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX, and Microsoft .NET.

Application and API interoperability with SQL Server, including:

Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

Perl, including the DBI and DBD modules




Oracle Forms

Microsoft offers the SQL Server Migration Assistant toolset for the migration of Oracle databases to SQL Server, including:

Migration Analyzer—analyzes the source Oracle databases and produces vital statistics on the size and complexity of the migration.

Schema and Data Migrator—migrates the Oracle schemas and moves the data into the new SQL Server objects.

SQL Converter—converts code found in Oracle objects to their T-SQL equivalents.

Migration Tester—automatically tests the converted code.

These tools can be downloaded from The tools are in beta as of the date of publication for this solution. Version 1 of the tools is slated for release in June 2005 and will be available for download at the same location.

Technical Subjects That Are Not Covered in This Guide

The following technical topics and subject areas are not included in this guide:

Oracle versions earlier than 8i and Oracle 10

SQL Server versions earlier than SQL Server 2000

Design of hardware architecture

Modeling and design of databases

Procedures for database administration functions, such as capacity planning, backup and recovery, performance tuning, and monitoring

Aspects of the database that could be rendered inapplicable in the new environment, such as archived data and backups

Features available in Oracle that do not have corresponding features in SQL Server, such as spatial data, XML DB, flashback query, SQLJ, and XSQL

Installation of application clients, or client connectivity to the application server or database

Migration of the operating system to Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Support for Open Management Group (OMG), an open-source, java-based standard for metadata

Data extraction from enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems

While these technical subjects are not explicitly discussed in this guide, information about many of them is available from Microsoft. Where appropriate throughout this guide, links to more information are provided.

Dziurawy kwartalnik

Z uwagi na dużą ilość ataków pochodzących z Internetu na komputery renomowany instytut SANS (wraz z National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) przy FBI) zdecydował się przejść z corocznego na kwartalny raport o zagrożeniu pochodzącym z sieci (w I-szym kw. miało miejsce ponad 600 zarajestrowanych typów zagrożeń). Opublikował listę 20 szczególnie występujących ataków (porzadek na liście został wybrany arbitralnie, trudno znaleźć "metryczne" wyrażenie stopnia ryzyka zagrożenia). Pierwsze miejsce jak zwykle zajmuje oprogramowanie MS (z niesławnym MS IE), ale inne firmy też odsłoniły swoje "boki" (Oracle, CA, Real Player). Trendem jest kierunek ataków nie na serwery ale na stacje klienckie (dzięki temu można wykraść dane i zainstalować spyware) oraz znalezienie wielu zagrożeń w oprogramowaniu antywirusowym). Atakujący są oportunistami, wybierają najbardziej popularne i znane zagrożenia (dziury) w najbardziej popularnych oprogramowaniach. Kryteria dostania się na tę niechlubną listę:
  1. Ilość użytkowników będących potencjalnie zagrożonych
  2. Prawdopodobieństwo (ilość) niezabezpieczonych (unpached) systemów
  3. Stopień wykorzystania zagrożenia do uzyskania zdalnej kontroli nad systemem użytkownika
  4. Fakt istnienia tzw. exploitu, przepisu na wykorzystanie dziury w oprogramowaniu w przygotowaniu ataku
  5. Data opublikowania zagrożenia
Firma Qualsys jest jedną z założycielek inicjatywy Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) mającej na celu skategoryzowanie i publikację dziur wg. skali zagrożeń. Taki systen pozwoli na ilościową ocenę zagrożenia pod kątem jego niebezpieczeństwa dla ekspolatowanego systemu.

Oto lista zagrożeń dla:
Windows Systems

  • W1 Web Servers & Services
  • W2 Workstation Service
  • W3 Windows Remote Access Services
  • W4 Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)
  • W5 Windows Authentication
  • W6 Web Browsers
  • W7 File-Sharing Applications
  • W8 LSAS Exposures
  • W9 Mail Client
  • W10 Instant Messaging

  • UNIX Systems
  • U1 BIND Domain Name System
  • U2 Web Server
  • U3 Authentication
  • U4 Version Control Systems
  • U5 Mail Transport Service
  • U6 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
  • U7 Open Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • U8 Misconfiguration of Enterprise Services NIS/NFS
  • U9 Databases
  • U10 Kernel
  • Eclipse ma wsparcie dla WS

    Firma Systinet opublikowała bezpłatne narzedzie Developer do wsparcia usług typ web services w środowisku Eclipse 3.x. Developer enables building, testing, and publishing of Java-based Web services from within Eclipse. Motyw takiego kroku - przyciagnięcie developerów do płatnego produktu Systinet Server Web services deployment oraz Systinet Registry (UDDI-based usługi katalogowej). Jak widać nic za darmo...