środa, lutego 09, 2005

Drukowanie ...

Today's focus: Printing from a Linux client via a Windows

By Steve Blass

Our 2003 Windows terminal client server can connect with any
Windows client via the Internet - it provides connection, sound
and printing services back to the client. We have a Linux client
that we can connect to the server and do everything except
print. Any help?

Printer redirection through remote desktop is a feature of
Version 5 of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). The Unix
rdesktop client distribution release package (rdesktop 1.3.1)
supports only Version 4 of RDP, so you would need to set up your
local Linux printer as a network printer on your terminal server
to print to it.

The good news is the development version of rdesktop, available
through the Concurrent Versions Systems (CVS) repository on
SourceForge, does support Version 5, including printer
redirection (instructions are at the

After downloading the source with CVS you can build rdesktop
with the standard GNU build command sequence 'configure'
followed by 'make' and then 'make install.'

If you aren't familiar with building from CVS, rdesktop is a
straightforward project to get started with.

wtorek, lutego 08, 2005

Nowa przeglądarka AOL wraz z wyszukiwarką

AOL Opens Browser, PC Search Beta
By Nate Mook, BetaNews
February 7, 2005, 2:26 PM

Furthering efforts to attract fresh users to its services, America Online has opened beta testing for its standalone AOL Browser and Desktop Search to anyone with an AOL or AIM screen name.

Initially available only to internal testers, the AOL Browser beta utilizes Microsoft's Internet Explorer engine, but packs on additional features such as tabbed browsing and advanced pop-up blocking. The browser also integrates AOL's Desktop Search to scour local files, including Microsoft Office, PDF, HTML, and WordPerfect documents. BetaNews has learned that AOL plans to expand its search to index previously viewed Web pages and AIM chat logs saved as text.

AOL joins a growing list of companies investing in desktop search as a way to increase brand reach beyond the Web. Rivals Microsoft and Google have launched beta desktop search products, along with Yahoo and Ask Jeeves. For its own software, AOL partnered with third party desktop search developer Copernic.

AOL has shifted its focus to attracting consumers with free Web services in the face of increasing competition and a declining AOL subscriber base. As first reported by BetaNews, AOL beta tested its AMP media player as a standalone release in December, with sources citing plans for a public preview.

Both AMP and AOL Browser were components of AOL's Fanfare suite, an alternative client for broadband users that has since been disbanded. But despite reviving Netscape in November with the help of Mozilla Firefox, AOL has continued to make progress on its own IE-based Web browser.

AOL Browser takes many features from current browsers, but also includes some innovations of its own, such as "tear-off tabs." Tear-off tabs can be rearranged or pulled away from their original window and spun off into a new window. Additionally, AOL has added thumbnail preview images of Web pages that pop-up when the mouse cursor hovers over a tab, or the Back and Forward buttons.

Part of its "Power Browsing" feature, AOL includes added privacy options to remove any "footprints" left while browsing the Web, including cookies and cached files. Page zooming, high contrast viewing and enhanced information tools are also included in the Power Browsing menu.

AOL has not offered a final release timeframe for AOL Browser or Desktop Search. However, a company spokesperson told BetaNews last year, "This beta test is part of our continual efforts to test concepts and technologies."

AOL Browser with integrated Desktop Search is available for download via FileForum.

Narzędzie webowe do Linux'a

Pojawiło się świetne narzędzie do administrowania systemami Linuxo-podobnymi webadmin autorstwa Jamie Cameron.

Błąd w przeglądarkach innych od IE

Błąd polega na niewłaściwych kodowaniu i wyświetlaniu znaków diakrytycznych różnych języków. Skutkiem tego wizualny adres strony nie jest zgodny z adresem pod który wejdzie przeglądarka. O zgrozę przyprawia fakt, że nie można tego sprawdzić (do tej pory taka sytuacja miała miejsce w IE, ale ktoś czujny mógł sobie sprawdzić czy jest zgodność adresów (w polu URL i we właściwościach strony) adresy są takie same ponieważ są w obu przypadkach źle wyświetlane - mogą totalnie zmylić u żytkownika i uśpić jego czujność. Błąd tkwi w złej implementacji IDN (internet domian name), której nie implementuje IE. Twórcy innych przeglądarek na razie proponują wyłączyć IDN. Opera twierdzi, że ten błąd jej nie dotyczy.

MS się otwiera ku deweloperom

Microsoft explores opening up to developers

08/02/2005 13:41:20

Seeking to be more transparent to developers, Microsoft is weighing plans to make available more early versions of its software and share more source code, company representatives said Monday.

Speaking to an audience of developers at the VSLive conference in San Francisco, Soma Somasegar, corporate vice president of the Developer Division at Microsoft, said he wants to work closely with external developers for the benefit of the end user.

"I really want to think about you as an extension to my product development organization so that together you and us, as a product group, can combine forces and help develop and deliver the right products for our customers," he said in a keynote address on Monday.

Somasegar wants to make available every software build that Microsoft compiles and involve developers in just about all decisions he makes regarding products that come out of the developer division, such as Visual Studio and the .Net Framework.

"Last year, with the release of community technology previews, we took a huge step forward in transparency, and that was only the first step," Somasegar said. "Every build that comes (out) of the main build lab, I want to be able share with you; every spec or specific document that I like, I want to be able to share with you; every feature decision that I make, I want to be able to get your input and involve you in the process."

Additionally, Microsoft is debating whether it should make the source code to Windows Forms available to developers. Windows Forms is part of Microsoft's .NET Framework, and developers use it to build client applications. The source code can help developers resolve problems when building applications. Uwaga gdzieś przeczytałem, że w Longhorn zachęca się aby aplikacje pisać z wykorzystaniem WF a nie Forms-ów internetowych.

Shawn Burke, a manager on the Windows Forms team, wrote in a posting on his Web log last week that he wanted to make the code available but there were issues to resolve. These issues include intellectual property rights and scrubbing the code of inappropriate comments. Also, not everybody at Microsoft backs the idea, he wrote.

Many developers commenting on Burke's Web log said they are eager to see the code. However, it is far from certain that the Windows Forms code will be made available, said Christopher Flores, a lead product manager in Microsoft's Developer Division, in an interview on Monday at VSLive.

"Shawn started a lively discussion. Certainly there are people inside of Microsoft discussing the pros and cons of doing this, but as far as I know, today, we have no plans to share the Windows Forms code," Flores said