sobota, sierpnia 07, 2004

UNO Open Office

Doh, you made me curious about whether it is possible to connect via COM toUNO with Python, and yes it is!I claim to know that there is no information about how to do that withPython (especially), but it might be useful that you read documentationabout the Automation Bridge: I did is easily use the lines you write in VB for Python and itabsolutely worked:The following example will open a new writer document of OOo:>>> from win32com.client.dynamic import Dispatch>>> server = Dispatch('')>>> odesktop = server.CreateInstance('')>>> odesktop.loadComponentfromURL('private:factory/swriter', '_blank', 0,[])list is the equivalent to an array type of UNO.Now it should be easy for you to figure out how to export something to pdf,I would just read how you do it with Starbasic (OOo's own scriptinglanguage) and then translate it into Python (as you saw in my example it'sactually a very simple translation of how you would do it with Starbasic,VB).

Getting started with COM in Python

you probably didn't find anything about COM on, because
OpenOffice has it's own component models concept, called UNO. The UNO has an
Automation Bridge that provides the use of WSH, VBScript etc.

OpenOffice also comes along with its own small Python core, small because it
doesn't support a lot of modules and you cannot just install extension
modules, because every module must be known to UNO.

Though you can easily write add-ons with the OOo Python core which would
then be available to others, even if they wouldn't have Python (they would
at least have Python in their OpenOffice).

So you have two options what you could do now:

1. get to know another component model (the one of OOo called UNO, which
is pretty new, so don't expect it to be as good as COM) and write python
code to make use of it:

2. or delve into COM by using Python code for doing something in MS Word
or Excel."

Perens: Companies finding desktop space for Linux, part 1

Peres mówi, że największym problemem w Windows są sterowniki urzadzeń, które czasami potrafią zzawiesić komputer. Problem w tym, że sterowniki tworzone są przez firmy trzeci i czasmi mogą być nie najlepiej napisane. Z drugiej strony MS nie może zablokować instalację sterowników firm trzecich (tych nie "podpisanych" przez MS) ponieważ ograniczyłoby to możliwości Windwos w obsłudze urządzeń peryferyjnych. Peres przestrzega, że w miare wzrostu popularności Linuxa ten sam problem może spotkać i ten system, chyba, że wymyśli się jakiś sposób na ograniczenie możliwości ingerencji sterowników w jądrze (bezpieczne uruchamianie).
Druga myśl jest taka, że korporacyjni użytkownicy (a więc ci co płacą i są pewnymi klientami MS) są skazani na pakiety biurowe MS są zamknięci w kręgu MS z uwagi na wykorzystanie VB dla aplikacji i samego VB. Odpowiedników takich narzędzi programowania w Linux nie ma. No chyba, że wykorzystamy Python. Ale nie jest łatwo przenieś cały majdan wieloletnich makr i procedur w VB do świata Linux. OOffice coś wspominał o projekcie konwertera aplikacji w VBA na makra Open Office'a.

piątek, sierpnia 06, 2004

SCO to claim IBM used unlicensed code in AIX 5L

SCO to claim IBM used unlicensed code in AIX 5L: "SCO to claim IBM used unlicensed code in AIX 5L

SCO may escalate its legal battle against IBM after having discovered documents that it says prove that IBM violated SCO licensing terms when it developed the latest version of its AIX operating system.
IBM is alleged to have used Unix code in AIX 5L that SCO had licensed to IBM for 'Project Monterey,' an effort to build a version of Unix for Intel's Itanium processor.
IBM dropped Project Monterey in 2001 in favour of Linux, but SCO has discovered e-mail that purports to show that IBM used code licensed from SCO for Project Monterey in the development of AIX 5L without a separate licence. first reported the allegations, attributing them to remarks made by SCO chief executive Darl McBride earlier this week on the sidelines of the company's annual user conference.
A representative of SCO declined to comment, and IBM has yet to respond to invitations to comment."

Mod_Python introduction - The other LAMP

Mod_Python introduction - The other LAMP: "Why Python?

Python is the ideal programming language for new programmers. It is easy and quick to learn, the interpreter makes playing with your code easy and it comes with an extensive library so you can reuse other people's code and develop more quickly. This makes it ideal for developing prototypes and rapid development. Websites such as google, yahoo mail, yahoo groups and others were at some point in their lives mostly python.
The downsides? Because python is dynamically typed for larger applications unit testing is important. Not as many ISPs support mod_python as PHP, mod_perl and ASPs yet.
mod_python is a module that allows python to run embedded directly into the apache server allowing for good performance. The current version includes support for sessions, psp templates, and cgi support.

How fast is mod_python? Recent benchmarks that I have made put it (20-50x) faster than cgi or zope and mildly faster than mod_php. If you need to make your application truly scalable you should investigate caching servers such as mod_cache in apache or HTTP server acceleration using squid server. Generate much of your content as possible as static pages and try to minimize the session information held in memory.
If bandwidth is the constraint have a look at mod_gzip or the gzip example in mod_python. You will see 50% to 20% bandwidth savings. Most browsers support this - unfortunately most spiders don't yet support gzip.
How to run code?

The original method of running code on web servers was through the CGI model. In CGI each time the program is run a separate process is spawned and its standard output is redirected to the browser. Because python is interpreted there is significant overhead of launching the interpreter. Every CGI request causes a process to be created and the Py"

Mod_Python introduction - The other LAMP

Mod_Python introduction - The other LAMP: "Why Python?

Python is the ideal programming language for new programmers. It is easy and quick to learn, the interpreter makes playing with your code easy and it comes with an extensive library so you can reuse other people's code and develop more quickly. This makes it ideal for developing prototypes and rapid development. Websites such as google, yahoo mail, yahoo groups and others were at some point in their lives mostly python.
The downsides? Because python is dynamically typed for larger applications unit testing is important. Not as many ISPs support mod_python as PHP, mod_perl and ASPs yet.
mod_python is a module that allows python to run embedded directly into the apache server allowing for good performance. The current version includes support for sessions, psp templates, and cgi support.

How fast is mod_python? Recent benchmarks that I have made put it (20-50x) faster than cgi or zope and mildly faster than mod_php. If you need to make your application truly scalable you should investigate caching servers such as mod_cache in apache or HTTP server acceleration using squid server. Generate much of your content as possible as static pages and try to minimize the session information held in memory.
If bandwidth is the constraint have a look at mod_gzip or the gzip example in mod_python. You will see 50% to 20% bandwidth savings. Most browsers support this - unfortunately most spiders don't yet support gzip.

How to run code?

The original method of running code on web servers was through the CGI model. In CGI each time the program is run a separate process is spawned and its standard output is redirected to the browser. Because python is interpreted there is significant overhead of launching the interpreter. Every CGI request causes a process to be created and the Py"

Ciekawe odnosniki na temat Linux/Oracle

Materialy z LinuxExpo
Rywalizacja Oracle - IBM na rynku baz danych na serwerach Linux

czwartek, sierpnia 05, 2004

IBM wkład do OpenSource

IBM Tosses Embedded Database to Apache LinuxWorld: Big Blue will continue to develop Cloudscape separately but remain true toitsopen source version.,11rj,1,m701,ajsr,48gk,84du
Na uwagę zasługuje dodanie do Apache możliwosci przechowywania danych w bazie np. stanu sesji z uzytkownikiem co ma piekielnie wazne znaczenie w przypadku bezstanowego protokolu HTTP. Wazne jest teraz jak mozna to wykozystac w samym serwerze np w postaci modulu mod_cloudscape? Sama mozliwosc jeszcze nic nie daje, trzeba jeszcze to dorobic interfejs bazy z serwerem internetowym. Jest jeszcze jedno pytanie: jaki cel przeswiecal firmie IBM? 1) Utrzec nosa MS SQL Server i MySQL (polowa instalcji baz danych open source to MySQL)? 2) spopularyzowac Jave poza Sun-em? 3) zwiekszenie funkcjonalnosci serwera Apache?

ClearType Step 4: View your ClearType settings

ClearType Step 4: View your ClearType settings

Popraw swoj wzrok

Strona zawiera informacje o technologii Clear Type i jak podstroic swoj monitor:

Klapa z Linuksem w Monachium?

The City of Munich has put its planned migration to Linux of 14,000 desktop PCs on hold due to concerns over software patents, the city's CIO said on Tuesday night. The call for bids in the LiMux Project, as it is known in Germany, was due to begin last week. But on Friday, Green Party Alderman Jens Muehlhaus called for the city to examine the impact patents might have on the decision, in light of software patents legislation currently under consideration in the European Union.

Muehlhaus said a cursory examination of Munich's proposed client software had turned up conflicts with more than 50 European software patents. The fear is that a company holding one or more of these patents could issue a 'cease and desist' order to the Munich government, effectively shutting down the city's computer systems or forcing the payment of licensing fees. In response, the city decided to cancel the planned call for bids until the patent issue has been investigated, according to a statement from Munich CIO Wihelm Hoegner issued to the LiMux Project mailing list late on Tuesday. "
Dopisane później:
Okazało się, że projekt zwany LiMux przewiduje trzy fazy: 1) do końca tego roku omputerach OpenOfficce oraz Mozilli 2) w latach 2005-2006 wymiana systemu operacyjnego Windows NT na Linux-based OS 3) od 2008 roku migrację aplikacji serwerowych i innych specyficznych programów na ich open-source odpowiedniki.
Podobnie ma się sprawa w Wiedniu. Tam też postanowiono wymienić oprogramowanie. Łącznie jest to 16 tys. użytkownicy będą mogli zadecydować o swoim wyborze.
Nasuwa się pytanie dlaczego zarząd obu miast dopuscił do tak karygodnego zaniedbania w swojej strukturze informatycznej. Teraz wobec zakończenia w tym roku wsparcia technicznego przez MS systemu operacyjnego Windows NT nie nalezy się dziwić, ze zarząd miasta MUSI cos zrobic.

środa, sierpnia 04, 2004

Wyjsc poza OS

eADT at LinuxWorld: Beyond the OS
By John K. Waters
The West Coast edition of the bi-annual LinuxWorld conference opens this week in San Francisco. More than 190 exhibitors are showcasing their wares this year -- 55 more than last year, according to Warwick Davies, group VP at show organizer IDG World Expo -- and attendance is expected to match last year's numbers of between 10,000 and 11,000.
"The event has always been a great watering hole for everyone from kernel developers to line-of-birth managers looking at bringing Linux into their companies," Davies said."
The main theme of this year's show, Davies told eADT, is "Linux: Beyond the operating system." Attendees can expect to see "a whole host of applications that allow you to run your business on Linux," he said.
Within the "beyond the OS" theme, this year's show is putting a lot of emphasis on desktop Linux. Nine sessions are dedicated to Linux desktop strategies and technology development. There is a Desktop Linux Pavilion, where new open-source desktop technologies will be on display. And both Dell and HP are expected to unveil new products for deploying Linux as a Windows alternative.
Linux integration is another focus of the show, Davies said, so attendees should expect a range of announcements and exhibits around the issue of working with Linux in mixed environments.
A new security track has also been added to the lineup, which Davies sees as a sign that more enterprises are looking seriously at Linux. "Security is a buy signal," he said. "When people start thinking about security, they're not wondering about whether they want the technology, but how they can make it work in their organization."

Elektryczne bezpieczniki umozliwiajace samoleczenie ukladow scalonych

Według IBM niedługo stanie się możliwe uleczenie układu scalonego w trakcie jego eksploatacji. Pomysł wykorzystuje ideę elektronicznych bezpieczników tj. miejsc w krzemie układu scalonego przez które może przejść prąd (elektrony) w ten sposób wypalając nową ścieżkę w układzie scalonym (np. nowa trasę przepływu elektronów omijającą wadliwy obszar układu scalonego). Wykorzystanie tego efektu zwanego elektromigration oraz sposobu przepuszczania elektronów tak by wypaliły nowe ścieżki tylko w bezpiecznikach jest objęty patentem. Do tej pory taki sposób omijania defektów był możliwy przy pomocy lasera (który wycina na etapie produkcji chipów. Dodatkowo układ laserowy do wypalania ścieżek przy zmianie technologii na mniejsze wielkości np. 90 nano m musi być wymieniony (zastąpiony mniejszym).

Linux bedzie rzadzil w srodowisku DeskTop?

Na tej corocznej konferencji LinuxWorld Conference & Expo in San Francisco coraz częściej mówi się o wkroczeniu systemu Linux do środowiska komputerów osobistych użytkownika.
Użytkownicy końcowi tak naprawdę do szczęścia potrzebują u siebie dostępu do Internetu, poczty elektronicznej oraz aplikacji internetowych (web-based applications). Wielu mam nadzieję (sądzi), że Linux jest bardziej bezpieczny.
W przypadku twórców oprogramowania też Linux jest atrakcyjny z uwagi na neutralność platformową oprogramowania napisanego w Javie oraz serwisów webowych (Web services). Dodatkowo Linux oferuje wiele narzędzi do tworzenia aplikacji (większość z nich jest bezpłatna).
Generalnie większość użytkowników jest zadowolona z dowolnego systemu operacyjnego zapewniającego powszechne aplikacje jak przeglądarkę webową, maszynę wirtualną Javy oraz klienta poczty elektronicznej. Dlatego Linux nadaje się jako fundament pod stanowiska obsługujące zarówno aplikacje klient/serwer jak i internetowe (web-centric applications).
Jednakże jest klasa użytkowników tzw. knowledge workers którzy są mocno przywiązani do aplikacji wspomagających ich produktywność w środowisku Windows.
IDC przewiduje wzrost udziału Linuxa na rynku stacji końcowych z 2,7% (3,4 mln roku 2002) do 6% (10 mln w roku 2007).
Jak na razie duże firmy wspierające Linux (IBM, HP, Novell and its SuSE Linux division, Red Hat, Intel, Computer Associates International, Dell and Oracle) bardziej skupiają się na niszy serwerowej ale to niedługo po nasyceniu tego rynku może się zmienić w kierunku stanowisk końcowych.

Nowe narzedzie do pracy z XML/XSL

Rozmowa z M. Kay czołowym autorem książek o XML. Ma stronę i wyraża się pochlebnie o Stylus Studio, kosztuje tylko 50 USD.

Taktyka strachu stosowana przez Linux

Firma Forbes odniosla sie krytycznie do inicjatywy ubezpieczenia sie przeciw pozwom za uzywanie systemu Linux. Taktyka FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) stosowana nigdys przez IBM w stosunku do innych firm sprzedajacych mainframe'y, a nastepnie przez MS w odniesieniu do inicjatywy FOSS zostala sprytnie wykorzystana przez Open Source Risk Management (12 osobowa firma zalozona przez Daniel Egger, dyrektorem jest sam Bruce Perens ten sam, ktory zostal wyrzucony z HP za instalowanie Linuxa w firmie i czolowy adwokat ruchu Open-Source).
Firma to zapewnia firmom ubezpieczenie przed pozwem do sadu za korzytanie z syst. operacyjnego Linux (za cene 150 tys dolarow rocznie ubezpiecza firme korzystajaca z Linuxa do wysokosci 5 milionow dolarow). Aby wzmocnic swoje argumenty OSRM oglosila, ze znalazla w systemie Linux wykorzystanie 286 patentow (z czego 27 jest autorstwa MS, inne pochodza od "zaprzyjaznionych" firm jak IBM, SUN itd). Firma ostrzega przed atakiem patentowym firmy Microsoft.
Jakie to sa patenty firma nie podaje z uwagi na prawo "willful infingement" w mysl ktorej uswiadomiony w zakresie wykorzystywanych patentow uzytkownik Linuxa narazony jest na potrojna kare.
Dodatkowy "smaczkiem" sa inni pracownicy OSRM. Stanowisko "director of legal research" objela Pamela Jones, a amator-prawnik prowadzaca slynny serwis Groklaw (SCO-bashing Web site)oraz glowny konsultant patentowy ("lead patent counsel") Daniel Ravicher (29-letni prawnik, ktory sie wslawil zalozeniem fundacji twierdzacej, ze polowa patentow w USA jest niezgodna z prawem).

Mozilla wyplaca nagrode za znalezienie bledu

W poniedzialek, 2 sierpnia Mitchell Baker prezydent Mozilla Foundation (MZ jest odpowiedzialna za rozwoj Mozilli oraz FireFoxa i Thunderbirda) oglosil, ze wyplaci 500 dolarow kazdemu kto znajdzie powazniejszy blad w jego produktach. Ostatni raport o bledach w obszarze obslugi cyfrowych certyfikatow spowodowal zauwazenie problemu wystepujacych w oprogramowaniu MF bledow.
Nagroda za znalezienie bledu w zabezpieczeniach ma zachecic internautow i zglaszania bledow, zniechecic potencjalnych hakerów do wykorzystania luki w oprogramowaniu oraz jest forma podziekowania za wklad zwiekszajacy bezpieczenstwo przegladarek bazujacych na silniku Mozilli.
Krytycy uwazaja, ze ilosc bledow w Mozilla Web Application (MWA) jest podobna do MS IE ale z uwagi na to, ze 95 % rynku przegladarek nalezy do MS jest mniejsze prawdopodobienstwo znalezienia bledu jak imniej hakerow probujacych sie wlamac poprzez przegladarke MWA do witryn.
Podobnie zostal uruchomiony inny program Mozilla Security Bug Bounty Program sponsorowany przez Lindows oraz inwestora internetowego Mark Shuttleworth. Polega on na wniesieniu przez Lindows funduszu poczatkowego w wysokosci 5 tys dolarow. Z kolei Mark Shuttleworth wyplaci na poczatku 5 tys dolarow do funduszu za wplate 5 tys dolarow pochodzaca od innego inwestora. Firma MS nie skomentowala tej inicjatywy, wiadomo jednak, ze i ona oglosila rozpoczecie programu w ramach ktorego wyplaca 250 tys dolarow kazdemu, kto doprowadzi do zlapania autora wirusa.
Obecnie oprogramowania Mozilla Web application--zawierajace browser, e-mail, chat program, and Web page editing program--jest w wersji 1.7. Inne produkty Mozilla Foundation to Firefox stand-alone browser and Thunderbird e-mail client sa prawie na ukonczeniu i sa powszechnie stosowane.

wtorek, sierpnia 03, 2004

Najlepsze praktyki w zarzadzaiu zmianami

So here's a quick checklist for the "not-very-shortcut" set of
practices that should set you ahead - if you can take the time
to follow them:

* Define your business requirements. Make sure that there are
not multiple views and goals (e.g., 25% cost reduction in WAN
bandwidth by Dec. 27) both within your organization, and between
you and the lines of business you're supporting. All too often
there are different versions of project objectives floating
around. At the same time, make sure you are clear on which
business services are affected by the change, and how.

* Clarify organizational and process needs. For instance, you
can't do data center consolidation right if you don't understand
the relationship between that project and your WAN performance.
Applications and services perform across an ocean of
interdependencies. That also means checking your organizational
processes and tuning them for superior collaboration - so that
in this case the NOC and the data center can work as a
collaborative team, not as finger-pointing adversaries.

* Audit. This is one of the scarier but more profound
requirements for "doing it right." You need to follow up the
implied "IT process audit" above and then document what the
infrastructure is, what your service-level agreements are with
external providers, what your SLAs are with internal and
external customers, and what management tools are in place to
support the project at hand. If you do this right, you'll
discover many surprises in all areas - unless of course you're
one of the very few organizations that took the time to get all
this right before. I'll also bet that you discover tool sets
with conflicting information used by different IT groups to
blame each other for problems.

* Baseline, analyze and plan. We're into more normal territory
here, and while there's a lot to say about this phase, I'll
focus on only two things. A real baseline means understanding
quality of experience, which is complex - including not only
availability and responsiveness, but also flexibility,
cost-effectiveness, appropriateness, and other metrics. Planning
also means understanding usage patterns and trying to get at the
hows and whys of service behavior before embarking on the
if-then tradeoffs for optimizing infrastructure.

* Establish and promote. Once your plan is solid, communicate it
- within your organization and externally to your customers.
Believe it or not, planned change is a good time to build
rapport with your customers and promote your value to the

* Deploy and validate. The key thing here is to proceed in
stages and to validate as you go. It's also important to note
that before embarking on this stage, you should already have
worked out timing for any changes to SLAs and contracts with
external service providers.

* Reassess and begin again. Change is ongoing. If your WAN
rightsizing project has gone well, for instance, something new
is likely to be demanded. Rather than wait to be kicked from
behind, look proactively to, as the expression goes, "make
change your friend" in providing better services for your

Sterowanie baza MS SQL Server poprzez obiekt DMO

Connect to a server and its databases using SQL-DMO

Microsoft provides an object-oriented library for dealing with SQL objects: SQL-DMO (SQL Distributed Management Objects). By using this library, you can perform a number of cool tasks that are difficult or impossible to do in T-SQL.

As with all object libraries, you have to learn to walk the hierarchy. The highest-level object in the library is the collection of servers. Below that level are the databases, and the tables, views, sprocs, and so on that reside within a given database. This tip will show you the most basic steps on how to connect to a server and its databases using SQL-DMO.

Related resources

* Best practices to enhance your SQL Server applications
* Download: Quick Start: Microsoft SQL Server

The first thing you need to do is obtain the list of servers. The following code will deliver the list of servers to a listbox:

Function listServers(oControl As Object)

Dim oApp As SQLDMO.Application
Dim oNames As SQLDMO.NameList

Set oApp = New SQLDMO.Application
Set oNames = oApp.ListAvailableSQLServers()

For Each oName In oNames
oControl.AddItem oName

End Function

Podobny skrypt w j. Python:

import win32com.client

oApps = win32com.client.Dispatch('SQLDMO.Application')

oNames = oApps.ListAvailableSQLServers()

print "Lista serwerow MS SQL"

for oName in oNames:
print oName

print "Koniec"

The next (lower) element in the hierarchy is the list of databases. This is where you may need to supply a userid and a password (if you aren't using integrated security). Note: Be sure to read the following code before using it, particularly the demarcated lines.

Function listDatabases(vServer As String, oControl As Object)

Dim oSrvr As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Set oSrvr = New SQLDMO.SQLServer

oSrvr.LoginSecure = True
' ----------------------------
' use this line for integrated security
oSrvr.Connect vServer
' or this for sql login
oSrvr.Connect vServer, "sa", "SQLTips" - substitute your sa password
' --------------------------

For Each oDatabase In oSrvr.Databases
oControl.AddItem oDatabase.Name

End Function

I once used such code when I was deploying an application written against MSDE, which doesn't include Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, and all those other nice tools. With SQL-DMO, I was able to write a small application that enables users to create a new database, install the tables we shipped (mostly blank but some of them were pre-populated), and then load and go.

I encourage you to investigate SQL-DMO further. By descending into the hierarchy, you can walk the list of tables, queries, and so on, using very simple code like the examples above. Once you dive in, it turns out to be very easy, and it can save you lots of time.

Arthur Fuller has been developing database applications for more than 20 years. He frequently works with Access ADPs, Microsoft SQL 2000, MySQL, and .NET.

LinuxWorld Expo

LinuxWorld Expo kicks off at the Moscone Convention Center in
San Francisco this week, with a slew of announcement from major
vendors. As usual, the new products focus on the use of Linux in
high-end enterprise server platforms. Linux and open
source-based client products and software development platforms
are also being demonstrated.

Among the products being announced at the show this week are:

* Red Hat is expected to launch its first Java application
server, a product that will compete with platforms from BEA, IBM
and Oracle.

* Novell is expected to unveil SuSE Enterprise Server 9.0, which
runs on the Linux 2.6 kernel, providing better support for
multiprocessor systems. It's been reported that systems running
on pre-released versions of the software can scale to 32 Intel
Itanium II processors and handle as much as 512G bytes - that's
Gigs not Megs - of memory.

* HP is expected to announce a range of Linux products,
including Linux-based midrange and high-end Integrity servers
and a Linux thin client, the HP Compaq t5515. It will also
showcase ProLiant servers with Intel's new 32-/64-bit
technology. HP will announce an expanded Linux services and
support team.

* IBM will announce broader third-party software support for
Linux on its Power processor and will unveil xSeries servers
with Intel's 32-/64-bit technology.

* Veritas is expected to announce that the latest versions of
its storage and clustering software are all certified on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux. Among the tools certified include Veritas
Storage Foundation, Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC,
Veritas Storage Foundation Cluster File System and Veritas
Volume Replicator.

* Computer Associates plans to announce that it will open source
its Ingres r3 database, which runs on Linux and will be made
generally available Sept. 30.

Nowa warstwa infrastruktury oprogramowania

Warstwa komputerowa jest poszerzona o kolejna warstwe, warstwe identyfikacji. Do tej pory jest warstawa sprzetu, systemu operacyjnego, aplikacji. Pozniej doszla warstwa posredniczaca miedzy aplikacjami i systemem (middleware) a takze warstwa abstrakcji sprzetowej i sterownikow. Teraz doszla warstwa identyfikacji uzytkownika zasobu. O niej mowilo sie na poczatku lat 90, gdy wprowadzono uslugi LDAP. Uslugi LDAP wraz z uslugami zabezpieczenia (security services) utworzyly obszar (strefe) identyfikacji tzw. identity area. Powszechnie mowi sie o powstaniu nowej warstwy "identity management".
Uslugi katalogowe rozbudowane do warstwy identity magmt staja sie powszechne (commodities) i na nich bazuje kolejna usluga web services