piątek, grudnia 31, 2004

Koniec usługi MS Passport dla firm

Dzisiaj właśnie odpadł ostatni klient korzystającyu z uwierzytelniania swoich klientów poprzez mechanizm MS Passport. Usługa ta planowo została wygaszona dla zewnętrznych firm. Będzie nadal stosowana do dostępu do MSN oraz innych witryn MS (np. MSDN). Większość firm opowiada się za mechanizmem "federated" tzn. podobnie jak państwa świata, każda firma ma swój "paszport" i decyduje czy uznać "paszport" innej firmy. Najpopularniesze wdrożenie takiego machanizmu to Liberty Alliance firmowany przez SUN-a. Mechanizm ten popierają firmy Fidelity and American Express i konsortium to ma około 150 członków.

poniedziałek, grudnia 27, 2004

Nowy artykuł na DNJOnLine

Tim Anderson interviews Craig Symonds, general manager of the Visual Studio product team, on forthcoming versions of Visual Studio, Microsoft's relationship with the Open Source community, the problems of migrating from Visual Basic 6.0, and whether Visual C++ really is faster than C#. Visit http://dnjonline.com to find out more.

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ODBC żyje nadal

ODBC is not dead

One of the .NET Framework features often highlighted is its new data access model, ADO.NET. Some of its improvements over its predecessors include scalability, speed, and its disconnected nature features. A .NET data provider is used to access a database system; a good example is the Oracle Data Provider for .NET. One problem is some systems don't have a data provider available, so, thankfully, you can easily add support for the older ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) technology. ODBC is an established industry standard with ODBC drivers available for most systems in use.

Working with ODBC

ODBC is a uniform interface standard that you may use to access database systems. It's a database access library that enables applications to work with data contained in a database. One aspect of ODBC is that you may use it to access almost any type of database, albeit Oracle, Access, Sybase, mySQL, spreadsheets, text files, and so forth. It's a mature technology, so locating an ODBC driver for a particular database system is usually not a problem.

ODBC .NET Data Provider

The ODBC .NET Data Provider is an add-on component to the Microsoft .NET Framework Software Development Kit (SDK). It provides access to native ODBC drivers the same way that the OLE DB .NET Data Provider provides access to native OLE DB Providers. The ODBC .NET Data Provider is intended to work with all compliant ODBC drivers, but the Microsoft site states that it has only been tested with the Microsoft SQL ODBC Driver, Microsoft ODBC driver for Oracle, and the Microsoft Jet ODBC driver.

ODBC setup

ODBC consists of a driver and driver manager. The driver is specific to a database vendor's product. For instance, Oracle provides a driver for working with an Oracle system. The driver manager is used to install the necessary driver files and configure data sources (that take advantage of the driver) to be used in applications. On Windows-based systems, the ODBC Data Source Administrator is used to create and maintain ODBC connections. You may utilize an ODBC driver in a .NET application once it is property installed and set up.

ODBC classes

Once you install the ODBC .NET Data Provider, you can utilize it in an application. If you're using Visual Studio .NET, you may add a reference to its dll file, Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll. If you're developing from the command line, you can add a reference during compilation or copy the dll file into the application's bin directory.

The ODBC classes are contained in the Microsoft.Data.Odbc namespace. It includes the following classes:

  • OdbcConnection: Used to connect to an ODBC data source. The name assigned to the ODBC data source, during its setup, is used to access it.
  • OdbcCommand: Used to execute a command against a connection.
  • OdbcDataReader: Allows you to loop through the results of a query against a data source.
  • OdbcParameter: Used to bind a parameter to a command.
  • OdbcDataAdapter: Used to fill a DataSet object from an ODBC data source.
  • OdbcCommandBuilder: Creates default Insert, Update, and Delete statements for an ODBC data adapter.

The next example takes advantage of a few of these classes. It utilizes a previously established ODBC data source (aptly called Test). The DSN name is used in the connection string, along with the user id and password to access the database. A basic SQL statement is used to retrieve all rows from the Customers table with the column values displayed. Finally, the connection is closed and all other objects are disposed. The C# code follows:

using System;
using Microsoft.Data.Odbc;
namespace BuilderODBC {
class TestClass {
static void Main(string[] args) {
string connectionString = "DSN=Test;UID=Chester;Pwd=Tester;";
string sql = "SELECT CustomerID, ContactName, ContactTitle FROM Customers";
OdbcConnection conn= new OdbcConnection(connectionString);
OdbcCommand comm = new OdbcCommand(sql, conn);
OdbcDataReader dr = comm.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read()) {
} } }

The equivalent VB .NET code follows:

Imports Microsoft.Data.Odbc
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim conn As OdbcConnection
Dim comm As OdbcCommand
Dim dr As OdbcDataReader
Dim connectionString As String
Dim sql As String
connectionString = "DSN=PracticalLotusScriptTest;UID=Chester;Pwd=Tester;"
sql = "SELECT CustomerID, ContactName, ContactTitle FROM Customers"
conn = New OdbcConnection(connectionString)
comm = New OdbcCommand(sql, conn)
dr = comm.ExecuteReader()
While (dr.Read())
End While
End Sub
End Module

Dealing with ODBC errors

The Microsoft.Data.Odbc namespace includes the OdbcException class for handling any errors that may occur when interacting with ODBC data sources. We can alter our example to utilize this class to handle any runtime exceptions that may occur. The altered C# code follows:

using System;
using Microsoft.Data.Odbc;
namespace BuilderODBC {
class TestClass {
static void Main(string[] args) {
string connectionString =
string sql = "SELECT CustomerID, ContactName, ContactTitle FROM Customers";
OdbcConnection conn = null;
OdbcCommand comm = null;
OdbcDataReader dr = null;
try {
conn= new OdbcConnection(connectionString);
comm = new OdbcCommand(sql, conn);
dr = comm.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read()) {
catch (OdbcException oe){
Console.WriteLine("An ODBC exception occurred: " + oe.Message.ToString());
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred: " + e.Message.ToString());
} finally {
if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) {
} } } }

You'll notice the ODBC objects are declared outside the try/catch block, so they may be utilized in the finally block. ODBC exceptions are handled separately from generic errors. The connection is checked to see if it is open before closing it.

Every data source available

ODBC has been around for numerous years. Consequently, ODBC drivers exist for almost any data source imaginable. The ODBC .NET Data Provider providers ODBC access within .NET applications through the Microsoft.Data.Odbc namespace. Use this data provider when you cannot find a native data provider for the data system used in your application.

Tony Patton began his professional career as an

Mocniejszy Linux w teście miodowej pułapki

Unpatched Linux systems are surviving longer on the Internet before being compromised, according to a report from the Honeynet Project released this week.

The data, from a dozen networks, showed that the average Linux system lasts three months before being compromised, a significant increase from the 72 hours life span of a Linux system in 2001. Unpatched Windows systems continue to be compromised more quickly, sometimes within minutes, the Honeynet Project report stated.

The results are probably due to two trends, said Lance Spitzner, president of Honeynet, which develops software for deploying computer systems as bait for online attackers. The default installations of new Linux systems are much more secure than previous versions of the open-source operating system, he said. Secondly, attackers seem to be much more concentrated on Windows systems than on Linux systems, and on attempting to fool desktop users, of which the vast majority use Windows.

"Everybody is focused on Windows," Spitzner said. "There is more money (for an attacker) to be made on the Windows systems."

The study is the latest data on the relative security of Linux systems versus Microsoft Windows. Last week, students found dozens of flaws in software that runs on Linux systems, and a research report stated that a thorough analysis of the Linux kernel turned up hundreds of flaws. However, in relative terms, those numbers are low compared to commercial applications.

Honeynets, a term coined by the project, are networks of computers that are placed on the Internet with the expectation that they will be compromised by attackers. The networks are heavily monitored, and the data is used to research the latest tactics of online miscreants.

While some of the Windows XP systems on the honeynets used for the latest study were compromised within minutes of being placed on the Internet, newer versions of the Linux operating system from Red Hat failed to be compromised by random attacks for more than two months.

Debbie Fry Wilson, director of product management for the security response center at Microsoft, told CNET News.com that the company's latest operating system is more secure than the report suggests.

"While it is not clear which version of Windows was used during the study, we feel that a Windows XP SP2 configuration with the Windows firewall enabled is the most resilient client operating system available in the market and can withstand attack much longer," Wilson said. "We are pleased that the report indicates that two Windows-based honeynets in Brazil withstood attack for several months. However, we are not certain that the report provides conclusive data based on a controlled and scientific study comparing the two operating systems."

Every Windows system compromised during the study had its security breached by a worm.

However, Spitzner stressed that the Honeynet Project does not have enough Windows systems deployed to offer meaningful data on that operating system's security. Moreover, the report does not specify what version of Windows XP had been running on the systems that had been compromised and whether any Service Pack upgrades had been installed.

The study did find that more recent versions of the Linux operating system lasted longer on the Internet without patching.

Dla moich dzieci

  • http://www.pcworld.pl/witryna/1321/17.html - serwis "starych" gier, które można pobrać legalnie
  • różnorodne wtyczki do Total Commander (iso, przeglądarka plików graficznych, odtwarzacz wielu formatów muzycznych, ściąganie stron, dostęp do ext oraz raifs)
  • serwer z MS SQL - konto marekw/Trava16
  • serwer T-SQL - konto marekw/piotrola
  • cacheman - optymalizator dla pamięci CACHE w XP, serwer - outertech.

niedziela, grudnia 26, 2004

Różnica między profesjonalistą a pracownikiem

n this section I'll cover the things every professional Database Administrator should know: business matters that are outside the strictly technical realm.

What separates a professional from the average employee? An employee feels that work is useful, and normally appreciates at least the social aspects (and the paycheck) of his job. He is not usually interested in the subject of their work outside of the office or place of work, but is quite competent at their job.

The professional feels that her work is important. She spends time outside her job learning more about the craft. She tries out new ideas, and is highly motivated to promote her part of the whole.

But there's more to being a professional than extensive subject knowledge and enthusiasm. Professionals are defined by what they do, not just what they know. Professionals respect themselves and others, and are always looking for the best solution to the problem at hand, even if it's not their solution. They don't care whether they "win" or not; they only care whether the problem is solved.

In this section, we'll explore ways to develop your professional database administrator career. I use the term DBA to refer to the development, administration, and data architect roles of the job. This section has less to do then with pure technical knowledge than it does with other professional aspects of database technology.

czwartek, grudnia 23, 2004

Zbadaj zmiany w Windows XP

Have you ever been in the process of troubleshooting and needed to know what configuration changes the system has recently experienced? Knowing this kind of information can go a long way in helping track down the cause of the problem you're investigating.

Windows XP's System Information tool takes a daily snapshot of your system's configuration, and it records all changes to key elements. In fact, System Information compiles and stores a month's worth of data in its history file. As such, System Information provides a beneficial troubleshooting database.

You can easily investigate System Information's configuration change history. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the System Information tool by typing Msinfo32.exe at the command prompt. (You can also access it by going to Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Information.)
  2. From the View menu, select System History.
  3. Select a category from the System Summary tree on the left.
  4. Select a date from the View Changes Since drop-down list.

When you do so, you'll see a listing that displays the date and time of the change along with detailed information on the exact nature of the change.

If you know what you're looking for, you can use the System Information tool's Find feature to quickly scan through the listing.

Wykorzystanie ID w HTML-u

Linking to IDs

You probably know that you can link to a specific place in an HTML document by marking that place with a named anchor (e.g. ) and then referring to the name in the link URL (e.g. ). What you may not know is that you can also link to any element that has an ID assigned to it.

The id attribute is supported by every single HTML tag, so you can assign an ID to any part of the page. IDs are most commonly used to single out HTML elements to control the way they look and behave using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, respectively.

But assigning an ID to an element also lets you link directly to it. For example, this paragraph has an ID of "intro":

id="intro">This is an
introductory paragraph.

To link to this paragraph from within the same document, simply point to the ID:

#intro">Go to the


To link to it from another document, also include the document's file name, or full URL as you normally would:


Internet Explorer for Windows actually takes this convenience one step further. If you use this method to link to a form field, the browser will give that field focus when the user clicks on the link!

id="email" />

Don't forget to fill in your
email address!

Unfortunately, Internet Explorer for Windows is the only browser to do this, but other browsers will still scroll to the field as with other HTML elements.

MS SQL server - indeksy

Artykuł na temat indeksów grupowych (cluster) : www.databasejournal.com/features/oracle/article.php/3429281

Stare dane z Access'a w Linux

Dzięki tej bibliotece jest możliwe aby dane z baz .mdb były dostępne z poziomu środowiska Linux, przykład artykuł na otn:

Projekt Unii wspomagający tworzenie oprogramowania typu open-source

Konsortium firm europejskich stworzyło program dotowany przez EU pod nazwą EDOS (Environment for Development and Distribiution of Open Source). Projekt ma na celu zapanowanie nad zarządzaniem projektami Open Source z uwagi na specyfikę tworzenia aplikacji w środowisku Linux. Chodzi głównie od wielorakie zależności między pakietami wchodzącymi w skład dystrybucji Linux.

środa, grudnia 22, 2004

SQL Server Alter Evey Table

Alter every table in a database

Notice to subscribers: Due to the holiday, the SQL Server newsletter will not be delivered on Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2004. Look for your next edition of SQL Server on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2005.

All developers make mistakes from time to time; sometimes this happens because we fail to build in obvious but unstated requirements.

Here's an example: Your database is up and running successfully but various errors in data entry and updating mandate a new requirement: add two columns (LastUpdated and UpdatedBy) to every table. There are hundreds of tables, so it's impractical to perform this task by hand.

This is clearly a chunk of reusable code, so you want to write it once and ensure that it can work on every database. (You might have to refine it slightly for each new database by, for example, changing the column names. But the idea is, you want a procedure to walk all the tables in a database and add one or more columns.)

It's easy to obtain the list of user tables:

SELECT Name FROM sysobjects WHERE Type = 'U' ORDER BY Name

The result set is more conveniently handled as a user-defined function that returns a table:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.UserTables_fnt
FROM dbo.sysobjects
WHERE type = 'U')

Suppose that you want to add a column called LastUpdated (of type TimeStamp) to every table in the database. To add such a column to any given table, e.g., Customers, your command would look like this:

ALTER TABLE MyDB.dbo.Customers ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL

Now you create a query (view, stored procedure, UDF) that manufactures the statements you need to accomplish your task:

'ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[' + name + '] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL'
AS CommandText
FROM dbo.UserTables_fnt()

Assuming that you make a copy of the Northwind sample database called NorthwindTest and run this code against it, the results look like this:

ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Categories] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[CustomerCustomerDemo] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[CustomerDemographics] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Customers] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[dtproperties] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Employees] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[EmployeeTerritories] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Order Details] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Orders] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Products] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Region] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Shippers] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Suppliers] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL
ALTER TABLE NorthwindTest.dbo.[Territories] ADD LastUpdated TimeStamp NULL

I used brackets around the table names because they guard against a problematic table name: Order Details. In the absence of spaces, the parser doesn't care about the brackets; but in the presence of spaces, the generated SQL will cause an error.

You can deal with this result set in a variety of ways, including paste it into Query Analyzer and execute it, turn it into a stored procedure, or turn it into an updateable view. Given its one-off nature, I prefer the first choice.

I love writing code that writes code because then I don't have to do it--and it never misspells anything. You can extend this concept to perform just about any DML action that you could perform by hand.

If you're going to try this technique, I strongly encourage you to create a SELECT query first, which manufactures the desired DML, so you can inspect it and check its syntax before running it.

Arthur Fuller has been developing database applications for more than 20 years. He frequently works with Access ADPs, Microsoft SQL 2000, MySQL, and .NET.

Pseudo grafika z css

Styling text with pseudo-elements

Notice to subscribers: Due to the holiday, the Design and Usability Tactics newsletter will not be delivered on Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2004. Look for your next edition of Design and Usability Tactics on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2005.

Most Web builders are familiar with using CSS pseudo-class selectors to style the different states of hyperlinks in order to achieve rollover effects. However, you may not be aware of another "pseudo" selector that you can use to create text effects, such as initial caps.

The selector constructs I'm referring to are the :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements, and they enable you to create styles that apply to the first letter or first line of a text element such as a paragraph. They're called pseudo-elements because they work as if there was an extra markup tag (such as a tag) defining the first letter or first line as a separate element that can then receive its own styling.

Creating an initial letter effect

A classic typographic effect that is often used to add emphasis to the beginning of a text passage is to accentuate the first letter of the first word with some distinctive formatting. Ancient manuscripts were famous for their elaborate initial letters at the beginning of each chapter or verse, but we don't see that treatment much anymore. The modern initial letter effect is usually more sedate, with an initial letter that is just a little bigger and bolder than the normal text that follows. We can create this effect easily with the :first-letter pseudo-element.

Suppose you want to accentuate the beginning of each paragraph of text as shown in Figure A. You could start with the following XHTML markup. (The text within the

tags has been abbreviated to make the example code easier to read.)


Or bends with the remover ... nor no man ever loved.

Which alters ... no man ever loved.

Love's not time's fool, ... it is an ever fixed mark.

And then you could apply the following CSS styles to achieve the effect:

p {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 16px;
color: #000000;
p:first-letter {
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #FF0000;

There's nothing in the markup that separates the first letter from the rest of the text, but you can still apply distinctive styling to the first letter of each paragraph by defining that formatting in the p:first-letter style. The rules in the p:first-letter style override the corresponding rules in the p style, but only for the first letter in each paragraph.

Combining and controlling the effects

Now, suppose you want to combine the initial letter effect with one that accents the first line of text as well--but you only want the effect to appear on the first paragraph, not on the paragraphs that follow.

The combined effect shown in Figure B may look tricky, but it's fairly easy to accomplish. The :first-line pseudo-element enables you to format the first line of a paragraph just as the :first-letter pseudo-element does for the initial letter. The :first-line pseudo-element works better than tags for selecting the first line of text because the selection adapts automatically to changes in line lengths as the browser window is resized. Combining the :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements with a class (or ID) applied to a specific paragraph tag in the markup enables you to restrict the effect to that paragraph.

Here's the XHTML markup for Figure B (with the text abbreviated as before):


Or bends with the remover to remove .... nor no man ever

Which alters ... no man ever loved.

Love's not time's fool, ... it is an ever fixed mark.

And here are the CSS styles that create the effect:

p {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 16px;
color: #000000;
p.firstgraf:first-letter {
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #FF0000;
p.firstgraf:first-line {

Caveats and notes and browser compatibility (oh my)

You need to keep a few things in mind as you work with the :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements. First, the pseudo-element must be the last construct in the selector portion of your CSS code. For example, div#main p.firstgraf:first-line is a valid use of the pseudo-element, but p:first-line a:link is not.

Secondly, when you create an initial letter effect with :first-letter, the initial letter is still part of the main text block, so you can't really position it independent of the rest of the text. As a result, this technique isn't a good way to create drop cap effects where a large initial letter should extend below the text baseline and the following text lines should flow around it. Letter spacing is also hard to control with the :first-letter pseudo-element, so it doesn't work well for large, heavily undercut letters (such as T and W) followed by small text.

Finally, you need to consider browser support for the pseudo-elements. Generally, browser support for these selectors is reasonably good among the current versions of the major browsers. However, the same can't be said for older versions of those same browsers.

Fortunately, selectors containing the :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements are generally ignored by the older browsers, which means that the text appears normally, without the initial letter (or line) effect. Since these effects are usually optional visual enhancements, you can often accept the loss of the effect in the deficient browsers without resorting to hacks or alternate formatting to compensate for those deficiencies.

Michael Meadhra has been working in the field since the earliest days of the Web. His book credits span some three dozen titles, including How to Do Everything with Dreamweaver MX 2004, published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill.

Pseudo grafika z css

Styling text with pseudo-elements

Notice to subscribers: Due to the holiday, the Design and Usability Tactics newsletter will not be delivered on Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2004. Look for your next edition of Design and Usability Tactics on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2005.

Most Web builders are familiar with using CSS pseudo-class selectors to style the different states of hyperlinks in order to achieve rollover effects. However, you may not be aware of another "pseudo" selector that you can use to create text effects, such as initial caps.

The selector constructs I'm referring to are the :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements, and they enable you to create styles that apply to the first letter or first line of a text element such as a paragraph. They're called pseudo-elements because they work as if there was an extra markup tag (such as a tag) defining the first letter or first line as a separate element that can then receive its own styling.

Creating an initial letter effect

A classic typographic effect that is often used to add emphasis to the beginning of a text passage is to accentuate the first letter of the first word with some distinctive formatting. Ancient manuscripts were famous for their elaborate initial letters at the beginning of each chapter or verse, but we don't see that treatment much anymore. The modern initial letter effect is usually more sedate, with an initial letter that is just a little bigger and bolder than the normal text that follows. We can create this effect easily with the :first-letter pseudo-element.

Suppose you want to accentuate the beginning of each paragraph of text as shown in Figure A. You could start with the following XHTML markup. (The text within the

tags has been abbreviated to make the example code easier to read.)

Or bends with the remover ... nor no man ever loved.

Which alters ... no man ever loved.

Love's not time's fool, ... it is an ever fixed mark.

And then you could apply the following CSS styles to achieve the effect:

p {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 16px;
color: #000000;
p:first-letter {
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #FF0000;

There's nothing in the markup that separates the first letter from the rest of the text, but you can still apply distinctive styling to the first letter of each paragraph by defining that formatting in the p:first-letter style. The rules in the p:first-letter style override the corresponding rules in the p style, but only for the first letter in each paragraph.

Combining and controlling the effects

Now, suppose you want to combine the initial letter effect with one that accents the first line of text as well--but you only want the effect to appear on the first paragraph, not on the paragraphs that follow.

The combined effect shown in Figure B may look tricky, but it's fairly easy to accomplish. The :first-line pseudo-element enables you to format the first line of a paragraph just as the :first-letter pseudo-element does for the initial letter. The :first-line pseudo-element works better than tags for selecting the first line of text because the selection adapts automatically to changes in line lengths as the browser window is resized. Combining the :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements with a class (or ID) applied to a specific paragraph tag in the markup enables you to restrict the effect to that paragraph.

Here's the XHTML markup for Figure B (with the text abbreviated as before):

Or bends with the remover to remove .... nor no man ever

Which alters ... no man ever loved.

Love's not time's fool, ... it is an ever fixed mark.

And here are the CSS styles that create the effect:

p {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 16px;
color: #000000;
p.firstgraf:first-letter {
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #FF0000;
p.firstgraf:first-line {

Caveats and notes and browser compatibility (oh my)

You need to keep a few things in mind as you work with the :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements. First, the pseudo-element must be the last construct in the selector portion of your CSS code. For example, div#main p.firstgraf:first-line is a valid use of the pseudo-element, but p:first-line a:link is not.

Secondly, when you create an initial letter effect with :first-letter, the initial letter is still part of the main text block, so you can't really position it independent of the rest of the text. As a result, this technique isn't a good way to create drop cap effects where a large initial letter should extend below the text baseline and the following text lines should flow around it. Letter spacing is also hard to control with the :first-letter pseudo-element, so it doesn't work well for large, heavily undercut letters (such as T and W) followed by small text.

Finally, you need to consider browser support for the pseudo-elements. Generally, browser support for these selectors is reasonably good among the current versions of the major browsers. However, the same can't be said for older versions of those same browsers.

Fortunately, selectors containing the :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements are generally ignored by the older browsers, which means that the text appears normally, without the initial letter (or line) effect. Since these effects are usually optional visual enhancements, you can often accept the loss of the effect in the deficient browsers without resorting to hacks or alternate formatting to compensate for those deficiencies.

Michael Meadhra has been working in the field since the earliest days of the Web. His book credits span some three dozen titles, including How to Do Everything with Dreamweaver MX 2004, published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill.

Wykorzystanie możliwości Oracle w zakresie zarządzania hasłami

Use profiles to create a password management policy

Notice to subscribers: Due to the holiday, the Oracle newsletter will not be delivered on Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2004. Look for your next edition of Oracle on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2005.

Most Oracle database users create user accounts with the default profile. Since Oracle 8, it's possible to lock an account by creating a profile and assigning it to a user with either of these two statements:

CREATE USER myuser . . . PROFILE myprofile;
ALTER USER myuser PROFILE myprofile;

A typical attempt to break into a database account is to try several commonly used passwords, such as "welcome" or the username. You can prevent multiple failed attempts at logging in by using the profile tag FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS:


Users assigned to this profile will be locked out of their accounts after five login attempts with an incorrect password. The account will be inaccessible for one day or until a DBA issues the command ALTER USER ACCOUNT UNLOCK.

Even after several years, I've found that my old password still works on previous projects. This makes a good case for placing a limit on a password's lifetime so it will expire after a certain period (e.g., at the end of a contract). There's also an option to allow a specific grace period, which is useful for projects that aren't used very often. If the user doesn't log in until after the password expires, the user can still connect, but a warning will display until the grace period expires. Use the PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME and PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME tags on a profile to enable these features.


Users assigned to that profile will be locked out of their accounts 30 days after the last time the password is changed. After 30 days, attempting to log in will result in warning messages for three more days before the account is locked.

Many users will see these limits and simply try to reset their passwords to what they were previously using rather than using a new password each time. You can prevent users from reusing a password with the PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME and PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX tags.


Users with this profile will not be able to reuse a password for 30 days, or until after they change the password 100 times.

Finally, some users will use passwords that are easy to guess. It's possible to restrict a password's format (such as checking for a minimum width, letters, numbers, or mixed case, or verifying that the password isn't a variation of the username) by creating a PL/SQL procedure that validates passwords. You must format the procedure like this:

userid varchar(30),
password varchar(30),
old_password varchar(30)
. . .

You can assign this function (which can be any name, but it must be owned by the SYS account) with the following:


Scott Stephens worked for Oracle for more than 13 years in technical support, e-commerce, marketing, and software development.

Projekt biblioteki GUI dla aplikacji Webowych

Elementy interfejsu graficznego i interakcji:
  • menu hierarchiczne,
  • menu kontekstowe,
  • podpowiedzi opcji (dymki-ballon-hints)
  • ustawianie fokusa na wybranym elemencie
  • biblioteka obsługująca poprawność pola i poprawność pól (submit)
  • elementy dhtml
  • wybór z listy do listy
  • wyszukiwanie na liście (zawężania zgodnie z postępem zgodnie z wybranym prefiksem)
  • arkusze styli css
  • raporty na poziomie korporacyjnym z serwera (Agata/PHP lub RL/Python)
  • sposób zapamietania stanu (cookies/MS persistant)
  • pobranie dynamiczne danych bez konieczności przeładowania strony wykorzystania HTTPXML (obsługuje już Firefox)

Wewnętrzne złączenie na jednej tablicy

Działa, tablica wygląda tak:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[hierarchia] (
[nr] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,
[Nazwisko] [char] (10) COLLATE Polish_CI_AS NULL ,
[kier] [numeric](18, 0) NULL
select a.nr, a.nazwisko,b.nazwisko,b.kier from hierarchia a inner join hierarchia b
on a.nr = b.kier where a.kier=5 order by b.kier

Uawga: bardzo ważna, przy MS DTS i łączeniu się z bazą Oracle należy pamiętać o podaniu nazwy użytkownika dużymi literami (zawsze), hasło podajemy bez zamiany. Inaczej nie uda się przenieść tabel z MS SQL Servera na Oracle 9i

wtorek, grudnia 21, 2004

Programować można wszystko, nawet MS Office

Microsoft plans first Office System developer eventFebruary conference aims to train developers on Office System productsBy Paul Krill December 20, 2004
Microsoft (Profile, Products, Articles) is inviting approximately 800 specially selected developers to attend the first-ever Microsoft Office System Developer Conference from Feb. 2 through Feb. 4 in Redmond, Wash.
The conference is intended to help developers and architects build enterprise-class solutions using Office System products and enabling technologies, the company said.
“This is to train developers on Office System products and technologies, and it’s really an opportunity to learn about the Office System directly from those who built it,” said Adam LeVasseur, group product manager for the information workgroup product management group at Microsoft. The company’s message about Office is that it is “a genuine platform for enterprise solutions,” LeVasseur said.
Products such as the 2003 editions of SharePoint Portal, Exchange Server, and Visio are part of Office System. Tools being used with the Office System include Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System and Microsoft Office Information Bridge Framework.
Prospective attendees at the conference are “field-nominated,” meaning Microsoft personnel will select them, according to LeVasseur. The event is being limited to about 800 persons because of the capacity of the venue, the Microsoft Conference Center.
Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates will provide a keynote address at the event. Partner solutions also will be showcased.

poniedziałek, grudnia 20, 2004

Czeski... case?

The Best Day Ever To Design A Database StructureBy Vladimira SikorovaContributing WriterArticle Date: 2004-12-08Have you ever been faced with the challenge of designing a new database structure? Do you have to redevelop an existing database?The truth is that creating or developing a database structure requires at least basic knowledge of SQL scripts. If you have to design a very complicated database structure with a lot of tables (entities), plenty of information (attributes) and complicated relationships among them, it' s very uneasy... Overall, whatever you have to do with databases, it has always been difficult, time-demanding and expensive. Computer aided software engineering (CASE) is a technique that using some of its tools enables you to create softwares more easily. CASE tools assist software engineering managers and practicioners in every activity associated with the software process, e. g. in systematic analysis, design, coding, implementation, testing work, maintenance etc. Using CASE tools, the architecture and design of the software become more apparent and easier to understand and modify. Charonware, s. r. o., a software company based in the Czech Republic, specializes in designing high-quality database modeling CASE tools. Its flagship product CASE Studio 2 new version 2.18 has just been released. "CASE Studio 2 helps companies create or redevelop their database structures easily, quickly and at a very reasonable price in comparison to other similar competitive products," says Vaclav Frolik, Charonware's Sales and Marketing Manager. In other words, instead of many hours spent on writing SQL scripts, CASE Studio 2 allows you to draw large Entity relationship diagrams and generate SQL scripts automatically, even for various databases (and at a reasonable price). Other powerful CS2 features are: reverse engineering, generation of HTML and RTF documentation, data flow diagrams, export into XML format and many more. "CASE Studio 2 is a highly customizable CASE tool that respects individual requirements of each customer. It supports more than twenty databases and is being used in more than sixty countries," adds Vaclav Frolik. Key enhancements of the CS 2 new version 2.18 are: Full support for PostgreSQL 8.0, Sybase Anywhere 9 and MySQL 4.1, a new HTML report and new graphics of relationship lines. "The new version 2.18 includes more than 80 significant improvements, however, we expect that CS 2 users will mainly appreciate the possibility to move relationship lines and add break points", says Vaclav Frolik. With this feature, Charonware wanted to respond to its customers' needs. To get practical insight on how to work with CASE Studio 2 and its newly added features, Charonware offers very helpful instructional movies on its website. Other useful documentation like the CS2 White Paper and manual are also available. Finally, to consider whether CASE Studio 2 meets customer's requirements and runs without any problems, it is possible to test the CS2 demo version. Charonware provides time-unlimited, free demo version and at the same time free email support. "Charonware provides highly professional and customizable, smoothly integrated database modeling and reporting tool at unmatched price. Our aim is to make software products that would be beneficial for database designers, developers and all who want to accomplish all their database-related tasks with greater productivity and higher quality," concludes Vaclav Frolik. Well, it seems like it's a piece of cake to develop a database structure with CASE Studio 2!? I would give it a try.

Coroczne nagrody Cringely

The “Mission Accomplished” Award goes to Oracle for rescuing PeopleSoft from the throes of a brutal dictatorship … or is that the other way around? As part of the deal, PeopleSoft agreed to drop its poison-pill defense against the takeover, and Oracle’s Larry Ellison agreed to enroll in an ego management program.
The “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” Award goes to Dell Computer. The makers of the original flaming laptop continue a proud tradition with the recent recall of nearly a million AC power adapters, which ran so hot users had to wear asbestos skivvies.
The “Fire Down Below” Award goes to the researchers at the State University of New York at Stonybrook who discovered that using a laptop in your lap could cause infertility by, um, overcooking your eggs. And if you’re using a Dell laptop, get ready to serve up some huevos rancheros.
The “If It Wasn’t for Bad Luck” Award goes to SCO, which got ditched by its last remaining investor, saw its licensing revenue drop by more than 90 percent, and had its Web site defaced by fiendishly sardonic hackers. (“We own all your code. Pay us all your money.”) I think somebody needs to give CEO Darl McBride a hug.
The “No Such Thing as Bad Publicity” Award goes to the Motion Picture Association of America, which filed its first lawsuits against file swappers in November. Frankly, that seems a little harsh — don’t you think downloading and watching Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace is punishment enough?
The “Show Me the Money” Award goes to Microsoft, naturally. During the past year, the cash-rich Redmondites settled disputes with InterTrust ($440 million), Novell ($536 million), Sun Microsystems ($1.6 billion), disgruntled shareholders (a $32 billion dividend), and a host of others. Maybe money can’t buy you love, but it can produce new and improved forms of loathing.
The “Andy Grove Humanitarian” Award goes, not surprisingly, to Intel. In 2004, the $30 billion chipmaker canceled two planned processors, issued a recall of one chip, delayed production of another, and saw its CPU market share dip dangerously close to 82 percent. Thanks for giving the little guys a chance to catch up.
The “That’s Not Writing, That’s Typing” Award goes to the bleary-eyed denizens of the blogosphere. From the cadre of font geeks who ripped the lid off “Rathergate” to the congressional assistant who lost her job for writing about her bedroom escapades with Bush administration officials, America’s 4 million bloggers served with distinction. Please remove your tin-foil helmets and take a bow.
Got hot tips or eggnog recipes? Share them with cringe@infoworld.com; you may win a screaming yellow “I Spy 4 Cringely” messenger bag in 2004.

piątek, grudnia 10, 2004

Rozważania filozoficzne

The Scientific Revolution of the XVII century is a website devoted to developing a socio-political approach to the scientific revolution. Since Science is viewed as a social and political phenomenon like any other. Hence, pride of place is given to the social and political changes which formed the background to the Scientific Revolution: Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation, with its paramount educational reform. Europe's demographic growth and demographic migrations which determined an urban literate bourgeoisie.The Rise of Early Agrarian Capitalism, which brought about more literacy, and more bright minds.The secularization of thought and ways of life brought about by protestantism.Luther, Descartes and Bacon were all agreed on the fact that the human mind was enough to understand reality.Giordano Bruno's death at the stake on February 17, 1600, and his prior work, particularly in England did more to widespread Nicola di Cusa's ideas, Copernicus' heliocentric system, and a new approach to viewing reality free from the prejudices of Scholasticism. But more importantly, he shewed the world that the Roman Church was in actual fact a Papal Empire who used God and the other so-called 'divine' properties, such as the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Sacraments, anything that was seen as Holy to enhance its secular power, accumulate wealth to finance their own wars, such as the Crusades, and keep everybody under the yoke of the official clerical thought which had the effect to idioturn people imbeciletize people and prevent them from thinking with their minds. For Giordano Bruno, as well as for René Descartes, Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle, Pierre de Fermat, Blaise Pascal, Christiaan Huygens and so many other philosopers and scientists of the XVII century, it was quite clear that the enemy to fight was the Church.Given a background of extended schooling and increasing literacy, particularly in the Protestant Countries, e.g., England, The fight against the Papal Empire started vigorously. Francis Bacon, for instance, states unambiguosly that scholasticism and Aristotelianism were the fiercest enemies of knowledge. He attacks the Aristotelian system of syllogistic logic from the outset in his New Organon (Novum Organum). René Descartes pronounces loud and clear that the supreme instance to acquire knowledge was human thought (cogito, ergo sum), and declares that no knowledge is never definitely proved (As against divine knowledge) in his 'methodic doubt'.Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke, working together reformulate the constitution of matter and definitively do way with Empedocles famous 4 elements: earth, fire, water and air. They show that substances are much more complex than that and discover the first true elements, such as iron, magnesium, and so on. But most important, they debunk the scholastic myth that vacuum does not exist by developing a vacuum pump. By the way, they also debunked a scholastic fallacy which ran: "What is, exists. What is not, does not exist". Vacuum means the absence of everything and of anything. there is nothing in vacuum, nevertheless it exists.J.C. Garelli, M.D., Ph.D.Department of Epistemologyhttp://www.attachment.edu.arhttp://www.geocities.com/scirevolution

MS też ma blogg

IT-Director.com: Microsoft provides weblogging with MSN Spa
Microsoft provides weblogging with MSN Spaces
Published: 9th December 2004
By: Martin Langham [Contact Author]
Channel: Content and Collaboration

One of the interesting topics Bill Gates mentioned at the 2004 Microsoft CEO Summit back in May, was his enthusiasm for Weblogs and RSS as an efficient way to publish and share information without creating information overload. One result of his enthusiasm is Microsoft’s release of a new Blogging and RSS application for Microsoft MSN called MSN Spaces.

The essence of a Weblog is that you can publish information quickly and easily on the Internet using simple editing tools enabling anyone to create an online diary or sets of interesting links. RSS is another key innovation that makes Weblogs very effective. RSS defines an XML format for syndicating content over the Internet. (The acronym stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary depending on your preference). You can use RSS to subscribe to a Weblog and be notified when it changes. All you need to do is paste the RSS address into a free newsreader to see a list of the new items in a Weblog. You avoid email overload and you don’t have to revisit sites to keep up-to-date. Bloor Research first described this new collaboration tool here.

Microsoft is delivering its Blogging service later than most of its rivals but not too late to catch the first wave of adoption. America Online Inc has provided a Blogging service called Journals since the middle of last year. Google, a key Microsoft rival, offers a free Blogging service through Blogger.com.

Microsoft has invested considerable resources in MSN Spaces and released a beta version at the beginning of December. MSN Spaces is free and available in 14 languages and 26 markets worldwide. You can sign up to MSN Spaces through MSN messenger or by going to http://spaces.msn.com.

MSN Spaces allows users to create their own personal space on the Web, tied closely to MSN Messenger and Hotmail. Like all Blogging tools it is very simple to use so almost anyone can publish to the Internet. Because MSN Spaces supports RSS 2.0 it automatically notifies online contacts when you change your Space. MSN Spaces also goes beyond the basic Blogging facilities of text publication. Microsoft describes it as a dynamic online scrapbook where you can share photo albums, personal music playlists and other media.

You can control access to your Space with three levels of security. You can display and share your music playlists and, when visitors click on playlists, they are taken to a MSN Music site to sample clips or to (Microsoft hopes) buy songs. When you want to update your MSN Space you are not limited to your own PC. You can do it remotely using email or mobile phone. And in common with many of Microsoft’s collaboration tools you can tailor the appearance of your MSN Space using various templates.

The introduction of blogging spaces by Yahoo, Google and Microsoft coupled with massive increases in online storage for Web mail from these vendors, marks a pronounced shift from desk-based to internet-based working. It is early days yet, but it is clear from the popularity of these networked services that people, especially young people, are increasingly happy with the security and reliability of the Internet as a repository of information. The centre of gravity of information is inexorably moving towards the Internet.

czwartek, grudnia 09, 2004

Kolejne curiosum Linuksowe

Today's focus: Database options widen for Linux users
By Phil Hochmuth
There was good news for Linux enthusiasts from the database
front last week, as enterprise Linux suppliers and database
vendors made some deals.
Oracle announced that its key wares for business data centers -
database software, clustering tools and collaboration apps -
will now run on Novell's SuSE Enterprise Linux 9.
The move gives Oracle another major Linux distro to play with -
it was primarily associated with Red Hat in the past. It also
gives Novell's emerging SuSE Linux platform a major boost as an
alternative to Unix and Red Hat Linux in data centers. SuSE has
a slight edge on Red Hat as it is, since its introduction of a
Linux version based on the 2.6 kernel this summer. Red Hat is
expected to have a 2.6 kernel for enterprises next quarter.
In another, more curious announcement, IBM said it would start
supporting Sybase database products on its Linux servers. This
is a bit weird, since IBM's DB2 is a direct competitor to
Sybase's Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) offering. But the move
is not that much of a stretch, since IBM had previously resold
Sybase on its AIX Unix boxes.
IDC says that the market for Linux database software licenses
will be up by around 150% this year, reaching $522 million. The
research firm says a migration from Unix to Linux servers for
running databases is the main driver

Products -- VMware P2V Assistant -- Features

Products -- VMware P2V Assistant -- Features: "nterprise-Class Tool for Physical to Virtual Machine Migration

Dodatek ten pozwala na przeniesienie maszyny fizycznej do środowiska wirtualnego

What Is VMware P2V Assistant?
VMware P2V Assistant is an enterprise-class migration tool that transforms an image of an existing physical system into a VMware virtual machine. This easy to use market proven tool enables fast and reliable physical to virtual machine migration for Microsoft� Windows� operating systems ranging from Windows NT 4 to Windows Server 2003. Having pioneered the automation of physical to virtual machines in 2002, VMware has now released a new version of P2V Assistant that builds on the experiences and feedback of more than 300 enterprise customers.

The solutions that benefit from this best in class virtual machine creating tool include:

* Fast and Clean Migrations of Existing Applications to VMware Virtual Machines. By eliminating the need to re-install software and configure complex application environments, VMware P2V Assistant cuts down on set-up time and delivers value on investments in VMware software in the shortest timeframe possible. Enterprises can quickly migrate legacy systems to a consolidated VMware virtual machine environment and, in doing so, upgrade these servers to new hardware.

* Efficient QA and Debugging. VMware P2V Assistant can capture images of production systems into VMware virtual machines and redeploy these images in a consolidated 'sandbox' environment. Enterprises can minimize disruptions to production servers by troubleshooting problems and testing changes in this exact replica of the production environment.

* Disaster Recovery and Backup. With VMware P2V Assistant, users can periodically capture production systems into a library of 'offline' virtual machines that can be activated in the event of a disaster to minimize service disruption.

* Standardizing on Virtual Infrastructure. VMware P2V Assistant simplifies migration to VMware virtual infrastructure, the foundati"

Everest do zbierania informacji o sprzęcie

BetaNews | Inside Information; Unreleased Products: "Everest Home Edition is a system information and benchmarking tool with full hardware & software information. It comes with a built-in hardware database and physical information for CPU, motherboard, hard disks, optical drives, chipset and much more. The information can be displayed on-screen, printed, or saved as a report in HTML or text format. The built in diagnostics module can help you find potential problems, by higlighting them in the report and also includes links to manufacturers web sites, driver updates and more. An easy to use report wizard allows you to create detailed reports in the format of your choice."

CMS w wydaniu MS wsparty przez projekt open source firmy Artemis

BetaNews | Inside Information; Unreleased Products

niedziela, listopada 14, 2004


Z uwagi na nawał spraw w pracy, miałem tygodniową przerwę w pisaniu. Teraz powrót z radosną informacją na temat serwisu A9.com

niedziela, listopada 07, 2004


  • MS po zakończeniu nieudanej kompanii związanej z Passport zaczął wyciągać z tego wnioski i rozpoczął nową inicjatywę Infocard, wg. http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/index.php?p=725
  • MS chcąc zadowolić swoich klientów wymagających od niego nowej funkcjonalności ale nie za cenę nowej wersji systemu operacyjnego wprowadził nowy rodzaj serwis packów -tzw. feature pack. Oznacza to dodatki funkcjonalne do podstawowej fukcji systemu operacyjnego. Ostatnio były do dodatki do Windows Server 2003: GPO, AD application mode, SP services. Wg. http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/index.php?p=723
  • Zwraca się uwagę na ukierunkowanie aplikacji firmy Google na środowisko MS (mimo, że G. powinna się czuć zagrożona kierunkami rozwoju MS w obszarze wyszukiwania). Są to Toolbar, Desktop (będzie wersja na MAC-a), GMail Notifier. Brak mu wsparcia dla platformy Linux. Pod tym względen lepiej wygląda Amazon, która wypuściła przeszukiwarke A9 (a9.com jest niezależnym oddziałem fiemy Amazon) na wszystkie platformy. Wyszukiwarka A9 zasługuje na uwagę, trzeba ją jeszcze rozpracować trochę. Co prawda Linux ma natywny projekt przeszukiwarki informacji - Beagle. Ciekawe, że napiany jest w C# i wymaga środowiska Mono oraz technologii indeksowania Lucent.
  • MS chcąc nakręcić zyski palnuje wypuścić nową wersję Office 12 tym razem ze zwiększonym udziałem części serwerowej. Dodatkowo ma odpowiedzieć na zarzuty EU aby zapewnić większą kompatybilność między dokumentami. W tym zakresie MS podał, że format dokumentów będzie oferowany każdemu bezpłatnie, ale nie zostanie oddany do rąk komitetu standaryzacyjnego ale zostanie w rękach firmy MS. Opinie na temat serwerów aplikacji biurowych firmy MS są raczej krytyczne tj. jest to inicjatywa skierowana ku dużym firmom chcącym wprowadzić porządek do chaosu i masy papieru. Wg. nich pozytywnym elementem dotychczasowych pakietów MS była ich cena oraz skupienie się funkcjonalności w zakresie pracy na stacji . Zwykły użytkownik z opcji serwerwych raczej nie skorzysta. Zwykle cykl wdrażania nowej technologii zaczyna się od indoktrynacji na uczelni, tak, że nowi pracownicy wchodzący na rynek pracy są obyci z jakims nwym narzędziem czy technologia. W przypadku SharePoint czy InfoPath nikt tego nie będzie uczył na uczelni bo w tym środowisku to się nikomu nie przyda (no chyba wg. mnie mozna znaleźć jakieś zastosowanie np. organizacje wymiany prac czy dokumentów lub prac nad wspólnym projektem) i trudno znaleźć jakieś szersze zastosowanie. Podobnie BEA miała problem chcąc zachęcić młodych ludzi do programowania w środowisku J2EE. Studenci woleli się nauczyć PHP, Perla lub .NET zamiast Javy, której nie mogli na uczelni szerzej wykorzystać (BEA kieruje swoje produkty na środowisko korporacyjne).
  • Również jest wiele krytyki pod adresem Longhorn-a, że nie jest nikomu potrzebny, że trzeba się skupić na bezpieczeństwie i zachowaniu zgodności (obóz zwolenników tego kierunku nosi nazwę Raymond Chen camp) zamiast na wielu nowych technologiach. Mówi się, że już nigdy nie nastąpi ten moment, jaki miał miejsce w czasie przejścia z DOS-a na Windows 3.x i z Windows 3.x na Windows 95.
  • Miejsce wymiany zdjęć - free blog/photoblog (blogger) z możliwością dodawania zdjęć (Hello bloggerboot)

sobota, listopada 06, 2004

Nadal wzrost sprzedaży oprogramowaniu

Firma IDG planuje w tym roku około 6.2% wzrost obrotu na rynku oprogramowania tj. 189 mld. dolarów. Ocenia się, że wzrost w latach 2003-2008 będzie na poziomie 6.2%. Mimo takich optymistycznych wyników wygląda na to, że mimo widocznego wyjścia przemysłu z dołka nie będziemy świadkami dwucyfrowego rocznego wzrostu. Różne gałęzie gospodarki wydają różnie: segment finansowy około 5%, podczas gdy BI, DW oraz bezpieczeństwa około 10%. Nadal największym rynkiem jest USA (50%), duży wzrost obserwuje się w Azji i Europie środkowej przy jednoczesnej dużej niestabilności z uwagi na piractwo, ochronę prywatności i polityczne zawirowania. Pięć firm IBM, MS, Oracle, SAP oraz CA zajmują 30% całej sprzedaży w 2003. Zmienia się również model cenowy - od typowej licencji odnawialnej po nowe podejścia bazujące na wykorzystaniu oprogramowania lub traktowaniu oprogramowania jako usługi (software as a service). Do roku 2004 oprogramowanie open source będzie na czwartej pozycji pod względem popularności (obecnie zajmuje miejsce 7).

Intel wzbogaca linię swoich procesorów

Około 15 listopada Intel udostępni ostatni model Pentium 4 - 3.8GHz Pentium 4 570 for desktop PC. Jest to ostatni model zamykający rodział w historii produkcji procesorów tej firmy. Do tej pory Intel ścigał się z AMD w produkcji układów z coraz szybszym zegarem. Obecnie stawia na nowe rozwiązania architerktury np. zwiększona pamięć (zintergrowana na płytce głównej - aż dwa razy więcej oraz 2 MB pamięć cache). Ostatnio firma ogłosiła przerwanie projektu Pentium 4 4GHz.

środa, listopada 03, 2004

Ciekaw adresy

WSH - http://www.wilk4.com/asp4hs/list3.htm
VB jako CGI - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/221081/EN-US/
Podpisywanie skryptow - http://www.itworld.com/nl/windows_sec/04292002/

Debugging WSH scripts adres:


UPDATE: The script debugger for Win9x is avaiable here, whilst the version for WinNT/2000/XP/2003 can be downloaded from http://microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2F465BE0-94FD-4569-B3C4-DFFDF19CCD99&displaylang=en

Though I've been writing "stand-alone" JScripts (i.e. hosted in WSH rather than IE/IIS) for a longer than I care to remember, I've only just gotten around to using the script debugger, and I'm mightily impressed. Not quite sure why I've never done so before; I guess each time I've either been in too much of a hurry to experiment, or the problem has been simply solved by a few well-placed WScript.Echos (just think, I might never have to type "got here" again!).

The "magic" was actually quite easy to find with a quick Google search, and just entails invoking wscript or cscript with one of the following parameters (which I should probably have noticed from the /? switch, which I invariably have to invoke to remind myself how to set cscript as my default engine on a new machine):

  • //x to start the script under debugger control
  • //d to honour the debugger statement (and I always thought it was broken!)

I'm sure this is not news to many people (or at the very least, not interesting and news), but you never know...

posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 3:19 PM

Nowosci z calego tygodnia

Ostatnie raporty (http://entmag.com/news/article.asp?editorialsid=6432) wskazują na utratę przez MS udziału rynku aplikacji klienckich (desktopowych) w dwóch sektorach: Internet Explorer oraz Windows desktop. W poniedziałek firma WebSideStory Inc. wypuściła raport na temat utraty udziału przeglądarki IE, który obecnie wynosi 92.9% (spadek o 2.6% od lipca oraz o 0.8% od września). Zyskał natomiast FireFox bazujący na fundacji Mozilla - około 3% (wzrost 2.48% od września), razem z innymi przeglądarkami opartymi i kod Mozilli (AOL) udział ten wynosi około 6%. W tym miesiącu ma się ukazać wreszcie wersja 1.0. Inne źródła (Credit Suisse) donoszą o utracie przez MS około 2-3% globalnego rynku PC - głównie przez piractwo oprogramowania oraz popularność Linuksa. Wnioski ten są wysnute na podstawie danych uzyskanych z MS earnings call.
Jest to drugie "ostrzeżenie" tej instytucji. Poprzednie mówiło o skutkach wprowadzenia systemu Longhorn na sprzedaż nowego sprzętu w 2006 (z uwagi na znaczne wymagania sprzętowe).

Wirtualizacji ciąg dalszy.
Wg (http://entmag.com/news/article.asp?EditorialsID=6425 ) firma VMWare (której właścicielem jest gigant pamięci masowych EMC - nawiasem mówiąc technologia VM potrzebuje obok szybkich procesorów również ogromnej ilości pamięci RAM) ogłosiła na konferencji VMWorld 204 wsparcie w drugiej połowie 2005 technologii wirtualnych maszym SMP (z dwóch procesorów do czterech). Ma to o tyle znaczenie, że tym czasie wejdą na rynek procesory z podwójnym jądrem (dual-core). Główne produkty firmy - ESX Server (właśnie dla niego będzie dostępna opcja 4-Way Virtual SMP) oraz GSX Server. Firma jest pionierem w wykorzystaniu wieloprocesorowości. W 2003 jako pierwsza zaczęło obsługiwać systemem na dwóch fizycznych procesorach (MS nie obsługuje dwóch procesorów). Fakt wykorzystania dwóch a następnie czterech procesorów zwiększa skalowalność platformy x86. Microsoft natomiast ogłosił dostępność narzędzia do migracji systemów produkcyjnych na swoje maszyny wirtualne (Virtual server Migration Toolkit - http://entmag.com/news/article.asp?EditorialsID=6424).

Co to znaczy Free Software?
http://www.it-director.com/article.php?id=12359&zz=127974a0854345 Sytuacja wokół OSS jest coraz bardziej zagmatwana; z jednej strony trwa proces SCO-IBM z drugiej strony oprogramowanie Osource jest coraz częściej stosowane. Odkładamy na bok Linuksa z uwagi na to, że okrzepł już on dostatecznie na serwerów rynku. Jedynie na rynku stacji roboczych jego popularność wolniej rośnie (z uwagi na brak standardów np. komu są potrzebne dwa GUI - Gnome i KDE). Pomijając Linuksa jest wiele spraw do załatwienia:
  • jakość oprogramowania Open Source nie jest zagwarantowana,
  • nie ma jednej licencji na używanie oprogramowania Open Source - ich licencja nie jest umową komercyjną co oznacza, że klient może spodziewać się problemów legislacyjno-prawnych i odpowiedzialności prawnej,
  • stosowanie OS może pociągnąć za sobą ryzyka prawne - szczególnie w USA gdzie procesy są w modzie, może zaistnieć sytuacja wykorzystania nieświadomie kodu naruszającego prawo patentowe (taka sytuacja jest rzadka w przypadku oprogramowania proprietary - gdzie kod jest chroniony),
  • ochrona prawna zapewniona przez firmy sprzedające OS, chociaż ryzyko naruszenia praw intelektualnych jest niewielkie, ponieważ to oprogramowanie naśladuje i rozszerza możliwości oprogramowania komercjnego. Ale taki GIMP (rywal Photoshopa) może przypadkowo naruszyć jeden z wielu patentów dotyczących retuszowania fotografii. W tym przypadku autor pomysłu musi DODATKOWO sprawdzić czy jego rozwiązanie nie narusza istniejącego w branży rozwiązania,
  • brak wsparcia producenta, za małymi wyjątkami jak Apache, Zope, Plone, Eclipse, Ximian, Open Office większość z 70 tysięcy projektów OS nie ma wsparcia komercyjnego,
  • bezpłatna jest jedynie licencja na używanie OS, wszystko o\poza nią a więc wsparcie, dystrybucja oprogramowania, łatanie i upgrade, integracja, szkolenia, bezpieczeństwo, zarządzanie wydajnością (maintenance, software distribution, upgrade costs and patching, security, performance management, integration, training and so on) kosztują,
  • tylko niewiele firm może sobie pozwolić na rozwijanie i wspieranie OS, małe firmy na to nie stać. Dodatkowo duże firmy będą chętnie zlecały prace nad OS w ramach outsourcingu co powoduje potrzebę koordynowania prac z wieloma kooperantami (wobec braku możlwiości kompleksowej obsługi),
  • brak świadomości wagi czynnika "zgodności", oprogramowanie OS musi uwzględniać branżowe normy, zwyczaje i standardy oraz obowiązujące akty prawne (w zakresie odpowiedzialności).
Spełnienie powyższych punktów ma o tyle znaczenie o ile obecnie mówi się o integracji aplikacja na poziomie SOA oraz większym wsparciu.

Praca z ACL na CAC(y)LS
Jak z poziomu linii poleceń trybu tekstowego w Windows 2000 i Windows XP zarządzać prawami dostępu do zasobów?
Sterowanie prawami dostępu jest możliwe przy użyciu narzędzia CACLS.EXE. W Windows XP Home Edition można go używać bez przechodzenia do trybu awaryjnego.
CACLS.EXE działa, co prawda, w trybie tekstowym, jednak pozwala szybciej uzyskiwać żądany efekt niż poprzez okna i karty w graficznym interfejsie Windows. Jego obsługa nie jest wcale skomplikowana. Weźmy za przykład proste zdefiniowanie praw dostępu, jakim jest odebranie wszystkim użytkownikom praw odczytu i zapisu określonego pliku lub w określonym folderze tak, aby stać się jedyną osobą dysponującą wymienionymi uprawnieniami. Na karcie Zabezpieczenia trzeba usunąć wszystkich użytkowników i wszystkie grupy z listy i przydzielić sobie atrybut Pełna kontrola. Tymczasem CACLS.EXE załatwi to jednym poleceniem:
cacls /g %username%:f
Jeśli chcemy umieścić takie polecenie w pliku wsadowym, aby szybko i wygodnie zmieniać prawa dostępu, uzupełniamy zbiór potwierdzeniem. Tworzymy plik wsadowy z dwoma poniższymi poleceniami:
@echo off
echo tcacls %1 /g %username%:f
Ten plik wsadowy - nazwijmy go ZABIERZ_PRAWA.BAT - przejmuje podaną nazwę pliku lub folderu za pomocą parametru %1 i zapewnia bieżącemu użytkownikowi jako jedynemu pełny dostęp do określonego zasobu. Nie musimy nawet wprowadzać zmian w powyższych poleceniach, bo zmiennej środowiskowej %username% jest zawsze przyporządkowana nazwa użytkownika w danej chwili zalogowanego w systemie.
Sporządzony plik wsadowy zapisujemy w folderze %userprofile%\SENDTO. Od tej pory będzie dostępny z poziomu polecenia Wyślij do w menu podręcznym wszystkich folderów i plików. Gdy klikniemy dowolny plik lub folder prawym przyciskiem myszy i wskażemy polecenie Wyślij do zabierz_prawa.bat, będziemy mieli jako jedyni dostęp do tego zasobu.
Możemy jednak utworzyć plik wsadowy do przydzielania wszystkim użytkownikom praw dostępu do danego zasobu. Uzyskamy ten efekt za pomocą poleceń:
@echo off
echo tcacls %1 /g wszyscy:f
Gotowy plik kopiujemy najlepiej do folderu %userprofile%\SENDTO. Wówczas będziemy mogli przywoływać go równie wygodnie, jak poprzedni. http://www.pcworld.pl/news/72120/13.html

Jest nareszcie wtyczka do Furl-It dla Firefox'a i na dodatek działa!.

Q. I am constantly creating files (pdf or word) files that I need to show to many co-workers. Instead of having to email everyone everytime I finish a file, I would like to upload the file to my server and have them view the list of files online and download the ones they want. These files need to be password protected as different people in different departments should only see files pertaining to them. Here was my idea, create a bunch of password protected folders on a server - one for each department, and I will upload the file to any folder that should be allowed to view these files. Two questions: 1) I put the files in a folder, but when I try to view the folder in a browser it tells me I don't have permission to access this folder (I assume because I never created an index file). How can I set it up that I should be able to view a list of files that are in the folder? 2) how can I create a page that will allow me to upload files to folders using a browser?A. I believe you are correct in that you do not have an INDEX file for the server to show when you try to access the folder. You could create an INDEX file with the links to the documents for downloading. I am assuming that you have already password protected the folder? An even easier way would be to use a password log in feature for your pages. The application would allow users to sign up themselves and you would control which group the user should be in and only the documents or files you allow each group or person to view. There is a nice web application called ASPLogin. It has to run on a server that supports ASP. For example, to make a document available to all users in a group called 'management', members of a group called 'administrators' and a user called 'fred' (who may or may not be in either of the groups), you would add the following code to the top of the document:<.%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %><.%Set asplObj=Server.CreateObject("ASPL.Login")asplObj.Group("management")asplObj.Group("administrators")asplObj.User("Fred")asplObj.ProtectSet asplObj=Nothing%>Any other group or person trying to see that document will not be allowed to see it. It is a pretty slick application You can take a look here: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,17hk,1,ds6k,6j1g,48gk,84du To create a page to allow you to upload documents would call for some scripting. This all depends on what type of server you site is hosted on. If it is a Windows server then it will support Active Server Pages (ASP).[See also the upload page example in our new PHP tutorials: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,17hk,1,3ds,atwa,48gk,84du- if your server supports PHP. --Ed.

piątek, października 29, 2004


Windows 2003 ma wiele zabezpieczeń m.in. Posiada dwa wbudowane konta uprzywilejowanych użytkowników: Local Service oraz Network Service (emuluje konto komputera w sieci) o prawach znacznie niższych od Local Administrator. Ułatwia to utrzymanie bezpieczeństwa.

Yahoo oraz Adobe System weszły w porozumienie mające na celu rozszerzenie możliwości funkcji wyszukiwania informacji w sieci w połączeniu z przeniesieniem treści stron www w format PDF. Zamiarem jest przygotowanie paska narzędziowego Yahoo, który obok zwyczajowych funkcji wyszukiwania (w tym również w dokumentach PDF), ochrony przed szpiegami i blokowania reklam, będzie miał możliwość tworzenia i pobierania zawartości plików w PDF (przy pomocy serwisu webowego Adobe). Umożliwi to przekształcenie zawartości strony w PDF, który można przeglądać offilne a nawet archiwować. Użytkowników, którzy mogą z tego skorzystać jest ok.. 500 mln tj. tyle ile jest kopii Readera. Ukłonem pod adresem wyszukiwarki Yahoo jest uczynienie jej domyślnym motorem do wyszukiwania informacji. Adobe wciąż szuka dróg spopularyzowania wykorzystania PDF. Ostatnio ukazał się serwer dokumentów na platformie Java oraz szereg narzędzi łączących PDF z XML jako standardu domumentów wchodzących i wychodzących z systemu. Z kolei Yahoo chce poszerzyć funkcjonalność wyszukiwarki oraz planuje możliwość wyszukiwania zasobów lokalnych. Wg. http://www.computerweekly.com/articles/article.asp?liArticleID=134549&liFlavourID=1

Coraz bardziej, wobec popularyzacji SOA, ważną staje się platforma middle-ware. W tym obszarze mamy tytanów (BEA i IBM) oraz drugi garnitur (MS, Orac, SAP). Nie należy jednak zapomnieć o platformie open-source, która mimo swej niedojrzałości (tylko Jboss i RH oferują produkty i nie mają takiego pokrycia funkcjonalnego jak ich rywale) mają jedną ważną cechę - nie powodują zamknięcia się w obrębie jednego produkty lub firmy. Pojawienie się firm open-source powoduję zdrowy frement na rynku; giganci zaczynają dostrzegać konkurencję i wprowadzają coraz nowsze możliwości.

Conceit - zarozumiały, próżny

Jak z poziomu trybu tekstowego w Windows 2000 oraz Windows XP uzyskać dostęp do wszystkich ustawień sieci?
Chcąc dokonać zmian w konfiguracji sieci, przywołuje się zazwyczaj właściwości otoczenia sieciowego na pulpicie Windows. Nie jest to jednak jedyny sposób. Dostęp do wszystkich ustawień sieci daje również narzędzie NETSH.EXE, przydaje się więc do celów diagnostycznych, a także do konfigurowania nowej karty sieciowej.
Gdy wpiszemy polecenie netsh.exe help, aby zapoznać się z możliwościami tego programu, zapewne nie poradzimy sobie od razu z jego dość zawiłą składnią. Diametralnie różni się od składni pozostałych narzędzi Windows przywoływanych w trybie tekstowym. Miniaturowa konsola Netsh składa się z wielu poleceń i poleceń podrzędnych, tworzących prawdziwy labirynt. Niemniej jednak kryje się wśród nich kilka bardzo wygodnych funkcji.
Skomplikowane narzędzie z nietypową składnią, na dodatek działające w trybie tekstowym - po co się męczyć, zamiast sięgnąć po wygodne graficzne okienka? Niektóre zadania najwygodniej wykonuje się, używając konsoli NETSH.EXE. Jeśli dysponujemy np. komputerem przenośnym i podłączamy go w domu do innej sieci niż w firmie, możemy zdefiniować dwie różne konfiguracje i przełączać się między nimi za pomocą programu NETSH.EXE.
Logujemy się w systemie jako administrator i przywołujemy właściwości ikony Moje miejsca sieciowe. Następnie dokonujemy ustawień elementu Połączenie lokalne, konfigurując sieć domową. Zapisujemy profil ustawień w pliku tekstowym DOMOWA.TXT. Wpisujemy w tym celu polecenie:
netsh.exe interface dump >%windir%\domowa.txt
Następnie powracamy do ustawień sieci i ustawiamy wszystko na potrzeby sieci w miejscu pracy.
Zachowujemy tę konfigurację w pliku PRACA.TXT. Wprowadzamy analogicznie polecenie:
netsh.exe interface dump >%windir%\praca.txt
Od tej pory możemy szybko uaktywniać żądany profil ustawień. Na przykład konfigurację sieci domowej włączymy poleceniem:
netsh.exe -f %windir%\domowa.txt
Przełączanie profili konfiguracyjnych metodą wprowadzania poleceń tekstowych staje się na dłuższą metę bardzo uciążliwe. Usprawnimy tę czynność, zakładając na pulpicie skrót. Jako element docelowy podajemy polecenie netsh.exe -f %windir%\domowa.txt. Nadajemy skrótowi wyrazistą nazwę, np. Sieć domowa. Następnie tworzymy podobny skrót z elementem docelowym netsh.exe -f %windir%\praca.txt i nazwą Sieć w pracy. Klikając dwukrotnie jeden ze skrótów, włączymy daną konfigurację sieci i nie będziemy musieli dokonywać ręcznych zmian. Wystarczy zaczekać kilka sekund, aż system wprowadzi ustawienia.

Wklejono z <http://www.pcworld.pl/news/72004/13.html>

środa, października 27, 2004

Historia JavaScript

In a bid to head off Microsoft's Internet strategy push later this week, Netscape Communications and Sun Microsystems this morning announced JavaScript, an open, cross-platform object-scripting language designed for creating and customizing applications on the Net. JavaScript will compete with Microsoft's Visual Basic, a programming standard designed to create Web applications.
JavaScript is based on Java, and the initial version is available as part of the beta version of Netscape Navigator 2.0, which can be downloaded from Netscape's site.
Company officials claim that JavaScript allows allows both HTML authors and users with little or no programming experience to create live online applications that link together objects and resources on clients and servers. For example, JavaScript might be used on an HTML page containing an intelligent form that performs loan payments or currency exchange calculations in response to user input.
Twenty-eight companies including America Online, Apple Computer, AT&T, Intuit, Macromedia, and Oracle have agreed to use JavaScript as an open-standard object-scripting language and plan to incorporate it in future products. The draft specifications of JavaScript will be avaialble this month for industry reviews and comments.

poniedziałek, października 25, 2004

Yahoo atakuje

Yahoo włącza się do biegu. Firma ta kupiła prywatną firmę Stata Labs zajmującą się efektywnym przeszukiwaniem poczty i załączników. Spowodowało to spekulacje na temat włączenie się Y do odpowiedzi na kroki Google, który udostępnił serwis Gmail (z szerokimi możliwościami przeszukiwania poczty) oraz nowy produkt Desktop do przeszukiwania poczty i lokalnych zasobów komputera. Stata Labs oferuje Bloomba do zarządzania i organizowania kilkoma kontami pocztowymi oraz przeszukiwania poczty (produkt ciepło przyjęty lecz brakuje mu promocji i większego budżetu). Jest to drugi już zakup w tym zakresie. Pierwszy to OddfPost - klient webowy (naśladujący działanie aplikacji desktopowej) do zarządzania pocztą oparty o foldery.

OO w Singapurze

Ministerstwo obrony w Singapurze, ogłosiło program przejscia na programowanie open source. Pierwszym krokiem jest zainstalowanie równolegle obok MS Word 97 pakietu Open Office na 5000 stanowiskach. Wydaje się, ze Singapur (ten jeden z największych klinetów MS w tym regionie) nie zastąpi starego pakietu biurowego MS wersją MS Office 2003.


Jest możliwe wbudowanie technologii Skype w własną stronę portalową lub aplikację internetową. Skype jest IM dla osób nie będących ekspertami oraz posiada zdefiniowane API do wykorzystania. Zyskuje coraz większą popularność, poszukaj w Google hasło "SkypeMe".

Trzy poważne dziury w Linuksie

Błędy znalezione w bibliotekach Linuksa: (1) w libpng, (2) Xpdf o (3) Cup - system drukowania. Błędy te dotyczą równiez oprogramowania korzystającego z tych bibliotek a więc i przeglądarek internetowych Mozilla.

piątek, października 22, 2004

Rózne linki

Forbes o uczelniach - http://www.forbes.com/2004/10/21/cx_de_102104conncampfeat.html
Forbes informacja o ich "white paper" - http://itresearch.forbes.com/
Informit o sposobach wyszukiwania w Google - http://www.informit.com/content/downloads/google_tipsheet.pdf
Porozumienie między MS i PaolmOne nt. licencjonowania technologii Exchange Server i Active Syn w telefonach mobilnych Treo w celu lepszego dobrania się do zasobów korporacyjnych firm użytkowników (zwłaszcza do poczty). Do tej pory jedynym rozwiązaniem była technologia firmy Good technology, która miała serwer pośredni pomiędzy telefonem a serwerem MS Exchange. Dodatkowo synchronizowało pocztę oraz kalendarz między telefonem a stacją roboczą użytkownika. Ta firma z kolei idzie w ślady kanadyjskiej firmy Research in Motion (RIM), która produkuje komunikatory BlackBerry. Mimo, że RIM króluje niepodzielnie na rynku to jest na nim dużo miejsca, ponieważ rynek jest nienasycony i rośnie dynamicznie - http://www.forbes.com/2004/10/05/cx_ld_1005good.html


Ciekawe porównanie: grid/cluster nazwany jest inaczej horizontal scaling (wg. Garnter).
Symbioza: Microsoft panuje niepodzielnie na biurkach korporacyjnych, Cisco zaś króluje jako kluczowe ogniwo sieci korporacyjnych. Obie jednak oferują dwa niezgodne ze sobą rozwiązania tzw. end-to-end network security solution. Cisco przynajmniej oferuje klienta na różne platformy sprzętowe i systemy operacyjne, podczas MS skierowany jest tylko dla Windows 2003/XP. Świadomi tego obie firmy zaczynają mówić o porozumieniu - podpisały ostatnio umowę o partnerstwie w sprawie wymienialności w zakresie bezpieczeństwa.

Sterowanie Adobe Reader-em

Dostosowanie Acrobat Readera do własnych potrzeb - plik glob.js i config.js:


app.addSubMenu({cName: "JSHelp",cUser: "JavaScript Help",cParent: "Help",nPos: 3});

app.addMenuItem({cName: "JSGuide",cUser: "JavaScript Guide",cParent:"JSHelp",nPos:0,cEnable:"event.rc=(!(this.documentFileName=='AcroJSGuide.pdf'));",cExec:"app.openDoc('/d/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 6.0/Help/ENU/AcroJSGuide.pdf');",});

app.addMenuItem({cName: "JSRef",cUser: "JavaScript Reference",cParent:"JSHelp",nPos:1,cEnable:"event.rc=(!(this.documentFileName=='AcroJS.pdf'));",cExec:"app.openDoc('/d/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 6.0/Help/ENU/AcroJS.pdf');"});

Koniec Passportu

Po długim cirpieniu i bólu MS wreszcie poddał się i nie będzie próbował na siłę wymusić korzystanie z usługi Passport jako jedynego centrum autoryzacji użytkowników w sieci Internet. Korzyści z takiego zarządzania tożsamością dla MS byłyby kolosalne (mniejsze koszty obsługi i utrzymania struktury logowania 200 mln użytkowników). Niestety wpadki z ujawnieniem tożsamości i danych osób korzystających z tej usługi oraz wycofanie się największego użytkownika korporacyjnego - sieci Monster.com (drugi takiej wielkości klient - eBay również rozważa wycofanie się). Nacisk z tej strony oraz małe zainteresowanie się dużymi klientami a także obawy o monopolizowanie przechowywania wiedzy o użytkownikach Internetu spowodowało przejście usługi Passport w kierunku obsługi wyłącznie partnerów MS oraz zakupów online w sklepach MS (bardzo ciekawy portal z produktami MS - www.windowsmarketplace.com. MS kupił te technologie od Firefly Technology w 1998, pierwszy raz wykorzystał ją jako usługa Hotmail.
Mówi się, że po porozumieniu w kwietniu z Sun można oczekiwać wejścia MS go grupy alternatywnej Liberty Alliance (która liczy około 30 członków). IBM już to zrobił.