wtorek, stycznia 04, 2011

Medy co? tacje

Super portal na temat wszelkich aspektów życia – Huffington Post. Oto co tam można znaleźć:

  1. “Why pleasuer is not a happiness” – wiele linków tamże (na dole)
  2. Propozycja postanowienia na nowy rok":
    1. I intend to cultivate equanimity and balance in 2011 -- not to panic when things appear to be off track, and not to relax when everything seems to be going smoothly. I intend to cultivate awareness and presence and not focus too hard on the outcome -- paying more attention to the process and developing understanding and sympathy for myself and others.
  3. Powyższy cytat pochodzi z http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-nichtern/finding-balance-and-equan_b_803240.html
  4. Waiting without waiting

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