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AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLWeb applications can be a challenging endeavor where you try to get your customers to wait for data to load or pages to render. But with AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - you can create multi-purpose Web applications that feel like desktop applications. No more waiting for pages to load, and the hourglass is gone.
AJAX DefinitionDefinition of the term AJAX as it relates to Web design and development
AJAX Security HoleIf you use AJAX to write applications, you should be aware of a security hole that was found.
AJAX - DefinitionThe JavaScript Guide at About defines AJAX.
AJAX' Achilles HeelXML isn't required but JavaScript is. Keep in mind that if you use AJAX for your Web applications that your readers who browse with JavaScript off won't have functionality unless you have some alternative for them.3 more Articles & Resources below
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AJAX Examples (5)
Articles & Resourcesmore from your guide
Asyncrhronous JavaScript and XMLThis short article explains how AJAX can be used to improve your Web pages without needing to reload the page. From the About Guide to JavaScript.
Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applicationsby Jesse James GarrettThis is the original article that coined the term "AJAX". It is a great overview of what AJAX is and how it's used in various examples.
Ajax (programming) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Wikipedia provides a very clear and comprehensive definition of AJAX. This is a good overview site, but you won't learn to write AJAX from this page.
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