Mission statements. They are usually the feel good creations of endless committees and countless meetings. The wording is discussed and talked over innumerable times.
The end result is often an very ambiguous mission statement, comprised of a few cliches, about...well...nothing much.
Your blog should have a reason for its existence too.
It's often a good idea to write your blog mission statement down. It's also important to have some purpose for writing your daily posts.
When you think about it, there are probably many reasons why you blog. Occasionally, a blog just sort of happens.
In my own case, I started my blogs to provide information to others.
Ideas on search engine optimization, marketing, and public relations are meant to be shared with other business people. Hoarding ideas, as if they were treasures to be kept guarded and under lock and key, goes against my concept of business.
I believe in helping others achieve their goals, whether in business or in life.
When one person succeeds, as a result of our assistance, we all succeed.
Since my initial blog post, I have attempted to provide helpful information to my readers. By means of e-mails, telephone conversations, internet radio interviews, and in live meetings, my goal has always remained the same.
Whether it's talking or writing about SEO, or discussing marketing ideas, or thinking about public relations, my mission is to provide information and ideas to help other people achieve their business and personal goals.
I can even sum it up into one short sentence.
Sharing knowledge to help others succeed.
There is my mission statement.
What's yours?
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